Episøde Øne

590 11 2

Episode One

"SHUT UP SOUTH, NO ONE CARES!" North America shouted I

"WELL I DO, SO IT'S IMPORTANT!" South America shouted back

"Guys, please stop yelling! This is solving nothing!" Central America said frantically trying to settle his sisters

"What are they arguing about, this time?" Europe questioned to know one in particular

"Crazy westerns. I never understand them." Asia commented

"Humble yourself. Don't let other people bring you down." Africa said


"EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LETS CONTINUE THIS MEETING LIKE ADULTS!" Antarctica finally yelled after a couple of minutes

"Yea, yea."


"I wasn't really saying anything in the first place."

"She started it."

"Did not!"

"Well, aren't you going to add something, Africa?"


"...Don't judge a book by it's cover."

----cue imaginary title sequence----

Meet Asia

While given the appearance of a hyperactive thirteen year old girl, this short ravenette is ironically the largest continent in the world.



She also loves her "grandchildren". Very much.



*North America and America are sitting on their porch chairs watching America's slaves pick cotton*

*Africa stomps in angrily*

"North America! May I please speak to for a moment? PRIVATELY?!" Africa yells

"O-oh, sure thing! L-lets ta-talk over there." North America says nervously

"You kay over there, bro? You're starting to sound like Canada." America commented, not sensing the mood as usual

"Haha, just peachy over here!" North America laughed nervously as she got up

*Africa and North America are standing a good distance away from the oblivious country*

*Africa is fuming, while N. America is trying to awkwardly ignore the larger continent's glare*

"Soooo...what's up?" N. America started nervously

"What's up? WHAT'S UP?!" Africa's femininely deep voice bellowed "I'll tell you what's up! What's up is that your grandson has started stealing my people from EVERYWHERE!"

"Woah!! Really? I seriously didn't know! When I see him, I'm gonna give him a stern talking to." N. America replied nervously


"Sorry, sorry!"

"North America, if you don't do anything about this, I will." Africa said seriously

"I promise, I'll try everything I can to stop him, but I can't promise he'll stop anytime soon." N. America said surprisingly serious

"Just make the problem go away."

"Aye, aye, captain!" N. America gave a goofy smile

So, after two centuries( really N.A.?), slavery finally was put to an end in America.


*Africa is leaving the meeting building*

*America runs up behind her and stops her*

"Yo, Africa! I've been going through some tough times at home and North(America) told me that you have the best quote-thingys! So hit me up with some old timey wisdom!" America yelled to the continent

*Cue awkward silence and staring*



"Don't steal people's inhabitants and use them as slaves."



I HOPE I DIDNT OFFEND ANYONE! If I did I'm sorry, even though I'm black myself...ANYWAY
Hi guys! It's yo gurl, Invisible__Nuke with a new story! *this is the part where you go "yay!"* BTW I'm not abandoning my other story, I just wanted to start up another story. Now to the important stuff.
1. This is a Hetalia fanfic and I do NOT own Hetalia at all. I only own my plot and my characters

2. The story will be written like Hetalia- with no initial plot. So don't expect a story with love interests, drama, or anything like that

3. It pains me to say this but, NO SHIPS! Well, maybe GerIta, cause it was actually a little canon in the show, but that's it. I'll maybe throw in some slight fluff or hints, here and there, but unfortunately that's all I'll do😢

4. I'm not gonna put character profiles(cuz I don't feel like it), so I'll make this short. Asia looks like Nyo!Japan. Europe has brown hair and violet eyes. N.A. is blond hair blue eyed. S.A. looks like Nyo!Spain. Central America is the only boy and has blonde hair and green eyes. Africa is the tallest with frizzy brown hair and brown eyes. Antarctica is albino. Imagine them with any extra details you want

Well, that's about it. At least for now(knowing me I probably forgot something).

Ciao bellas(yea, I speak Italian*nooo* but it mean bye beautifuls)

Continents?! (Hetalia Story) (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora