I want to keep that feeling you give me forever, Will you become my king, Will you rule all of hell with me for the rest of eternity. Alastor Heartfelt, will you marry me?" Alastors eyes are wide; he tears up slightly, then wipes the tear away. "Yes!" Lucifer stands, puts the rung on his finger and then kisses him. Everyone cheers and claps.Husk pulls out a hidden bottle of champagne and throws confetti  Alastor looks at them and asks, "was this planned??" "Dad sent us letters saying he was ready so we all came down!!!!" charlie is crying; she's so happy. "Congratulations, you two!"

Angel hugs Alastor, Alastor hugs back. "it's a good thing i didn't change; i almost got into sweatpants." They all laugh and Husk gives Lucifer and Alastor a glass. "i never thought my life would be this way. In a family and now a fiance i love, soon i'll be the king of hell as well!? This is amazing, Thank you for everything, All of you have done so much for me and i dont think I will ever be able to repay you."

Everyone parties and has a great time "Wait, you are going to be king of hell; nobody in hell even knows your dating." "you have a point, Angle," Alastor thinks. "we need to tell them but how?" "I know!" Angel sends a text and minutes later Vox busts the door open. "there he is!" "Angle. Why is he here?" "i texted him, saying you were about to star in a film with me." "i came to fucking stop you!" Alastor sighs

"no. That is not what I'm doing. Wait, why do you care??" "because.. Uh.. fine it's because i still care about you okay..." Alastor looks at him with pity "Vox listen, I'm sorry but we cant, I'm in love with someone else, we were great friends before, why can't we just be friends?" "you.. Still want to be friends..?" "You tried to kill me but I tried to kill you too, we are even, if you stop being weird we can be friends'' Vox smiles "okay, so wait if you're not doing a film why am I here??" "we need your help telling all of hell something" "oh fuck okay what?" Alastor shows him his ring "YOU'RE ENGAGED TO FUCKING WHO!?!!"

Lucifer clears his throat "TO FUCKING LUCIFER!!? Of course, yes, this will get so many views! Im fucking on it! I need to set up!" he sets up some equipment and then counts "live in 1..2..3 Hello Hell! This is a surprising announcement everyone will need to hear! Our very own king Lucifer Morningstar is now ENGAGED TO THE RADIO DEMON!!"

He points the camera at them, Lucifer waves and Alastor hides his face with his hand, showing the ring. "that's all," the live ends. "Okay, thank you, Vox." Vox smiles big and calls some people as he leaves. "Bitch, you'll never guess what I just filmed NO not," he says, closing the door behind him. Alastor chuckles and kisses Lucifer

a few hours later-

Charlie walks in to Lucifer and Alastor fighting "dads.?" she sees Angel and Husk eating popcorn and watching, "whats going on??" "their fighting over which curtains are better; we have a bet that either they are going to physical fight or fuck my oneys on fight." Angle eats another piece of popcorn. "apples are much better and it brings in some life." "strips go better with the colors of the wall. "Strips are tacky and unoriginal." Alastor gasps, "you take that back!" "It won't because it is true!" "Oh, you want to go, little man?" "Ooo, here we go! Fuck fuck fuck, come on, fuck!"

Angle cheers "dads!" she gets in between them and says, "don't fight...!" they look at her and blink and laugh, "oh my dear, we aren't actually fighting." "yeah Char Char it's more bickering and goofing around then anything but we aren't fighting." "you're not??" "No, no, no, im not hurt by what hes saying." "neither am I; i honestly like the strips more but i like annoying him." "i like the apples more!" they laugh and charlie laughs too. "Oh, okay, good, How about both!" They smirks and snap, making the curtains have strips and apples ''perfect!" they say at the same time, "you're so smart, my dear" "best daughter, we could ask for too." She hush them back, giggling, "i love you two."

You're More then just a Demon (RadioApple)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin