𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐕

Start from the beginning


"Is he ok?" Ice immediately demanded, standing up from his chair.

Erin's head shot towards the younger boy, her eyes igniting with a glare.

"He's alive." she spat, immediately feeling the entire room let go of an anxious breath. Some of the Jet's slumped back into their chairs, others rested their hands on their faces. But Erin's face continued to burn with anger. "No thanks to you!" she shouted.

Valentina passed an ice pack to Tony, walking around from behind the bar.

"No thanks to any of you!" Erin continued to rant, staring out at each and every one of the Jet's faces. "I thought the Jet's were supposed to be a family! Is this what a family does? Huh? Lead each other into stupid, dangerous situations? And for what? Because you are too full of yourselves to fucking share a few blocks?"

No one had responded to her, most of them avoiding her gaze entirely.

"What if he had died? Huh?" she kept screaming. "What if any of you had died? Would this all have been worth it then?"

Valentina finally made it across the room, and upon making it to Erin, she immediately wrapped her arms around the girl in as tight a hug as she could muster.

Erin's tough and angry exterior finally cracked, and she burst into tears in the safety of her grandmother's arms. The sound of her slightly muffled sobs echoed around the otherwise silent pharmacy.

The Jet's exchanged shameful glances, and behind the counter Tony had squared his jaw tightly.

Eventually, Erin's tears ran dry. Pulling back from Valentina, she composed herself as best she could, blinking several times to clear her vision.

"Lo siento, abuela." She whispered.

Valentina shook her head, reaching up to brush some of the remaining streaks of water off of Erin's cheek.

Suddenly, the accordion gate behind them slid open again. The wood of their front door creaked as another person stepped inside of the shop. Tilting her head to the left, Erin watched as Anita, Bernardo's girlfriend, looked out at the occupants of the pharmacy with worry. The air inside the shop was immediately tense again.

As Erin stepped out of Valentina's grasp, Anita immediately turned her attention towards them. Her eyes widened with a purpose, and she marched directly up to the shopkeeper and her granddaughter.

"Valentina, algo está mal." she started. "Chino-"

Grazielle suddenly stood up from the booth she was sitting in.

"Spanish?" she spat. "You come here speakin' Spanish?!"

Anita's eyes darted towards the blond girl, seemingly unbothered.

But Erin was far less calm about it.

Pushing past her grandmother, she walked directly up to the table, her finger jutted out in front of her.

"Sit the hell down." she barked, her voice booming across the shop.

The blond girl glared back at her defiantly.

"She wasn't talking to you. So sit down and shut up, or get the hell out of my store."

Grazie's glare didn't falter, but no sound came out of her throat in the end. In the silence that followed, she carefully lowered herself back down into the seat, her eyes returning to the table in front of her as she pouted like a child.

Erin turned back around, eyeing the rest of the Jet's, daring any more of them to speak.

None of them did.

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