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June 6th, 2018

   Yue stepped out of the shower and after toweling herself off with one of her towels (Which she'll have to get rid off because it HURT to remember-) she tied it firmly around her body and began to brush her hair. She wasn't particularly hungry, but figured from the smell coming from her room that someone had left food for her.

   Walking out, her bare feet quickly chilling with the cold wood beneath them and making her shiver, she looks down at the simple miso soup and bread along with...

   "For Set's sake." She laughed a little, dumping out the contents of the bag and staring at the two different types of pads that had bounced onto the unmade bed. Gojo-sensei. Of course he did. Which probably meant that other bag and the food was from him too. "Might as well eat as much as I can." She murmured, sitting gingerly onto the bed and taking the tray from the nightstand to balance on her knees.

   A breeze from the open window ghosted along her bare shoulders and made her tremble violently as her scalp basically froze. Damn. Wet hair was never fun but she forgot how annoying it could be. 'At least the soup was good.' Her brain provided the silver lining and she felt her lips twitch up, ripping apart the bread and popping a piece into her mouth. 'But the bread was a bit stale.' She should've saved some broth, but she was hungrier than she previously thought.

   Unfolding her twisted legs, Yue softly put her feet down and stood from her sitting position. Carefully, she placed the tray on the nightstand and pulled on underwear and a tank top before moving into the bathroom reluctantly. Walking until she could see herself in the glass.

   Yue leans against the counter, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She takes a deep breath. Closes her eyes. Steel herself. Then opens them.

   "Okay dude. I know you're in there. You're sharing my head now, buddy. Like some weird form of conscience that wants me to kill people. Like Schizophrenia. Bipolar. Whatever." She sighs heavily again and pinched her brow once before going back to her previous position. "Listen. I'm not any happier than you are about this you know. I don't want to die." She paused. "Again."

   "You should've thought about THAT before eating the finger. And who says I'm going to die? It'll just be YOU." A mouth opened on her cheek and she huffed with a scowl.

   "Okay. First off. Shut up about the finger thing oh my GOD- it was much more disgusting for ME than it was for YOU. Second. Uh. Gojo fucking Satoru? You know. A man who's basically GOD? That's who." The mouth formed into a sneer, the tattoo on her right side shifting and altering to form an eye, opening into a slit of red.

   "So?" Yue takes another deep breath, and prays to whatever gods are out there to lend her strength. "No God will save you." Or maybe she'll just give herself up now without collecting anymore power. "You BITCH-"

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