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June 4th, 2018

   "Shouldn't you be heading to your club Yue?" The dual haired girl looks up, blinking in surprise at the time and scrambling to pick up her things.

   "FUCK! Yeah. Yeah I should be. Son of a mother fucker. You think you can work on some essays and then a curveball is thrown in your way. I forgot it was Monday for a second. Thank you Himari." Yue waved goodbye to her study partner as she darted out of the library. Hefting her pack onto her shoulder, the duel-haired girl darts through the hallways. Her shoes made a clicking noise on the concrete in the silence and the sound echoed through the hallways into her ears making her shudder.

   A bell tolled- and suddenly the world burst to life. Shouting, ringing, the squeaking of sneakers, snapping of boots and heels, and the laughing of other students pouring into the hallway made Yue's head begin to pound. She grimaced, slipping through a couple talking in front of the lockers and pressed her fingers against the cold metal. It cleared her head enough for her to break out of the double door and start sprinting towards the Humanities building.

   The sun was warm, it was an unusually hot day, and she was sweating just halfway down the path. Her baby hairs stuck to her face, blown there by the speed in which she was running and the soft breeze that was rushing through the trees around her. A cloud of dust rose from her shoes as people in the path forced her to skid off and avoid their bodies colliding with her own.

   "Son of Set, why are people so fucking people-ly." She grumbled to herself, swooping her hair back from her face and continuing down the path at a slightly more subdued jog. Her ponytail was half out, and she paused near the track to straighten it out. Green eyes flickered over the long expanse of green, the dust kicked up from the runners being carried up and away by the breeze. Yue's green eyes flickered over to someone out of place. Dressed in black, with black hair and pale skin- the boy had a distinction of 'other' to him. Even from where she was- at least a couple meters away- she could see the sharpness of his blue eyes. Could feel them pierce her skin and go through her body to stare into her soul.

   The world stopped, went quiet like Yue had gone underwater or put on noise canceling headphones. Her body moved, breaking into a walk, then a job, then a run, against her own will. Cold fingers brushed over her neck- like someone was placing the tips on her skin, and the hairs on her body stood up straight. The world held its breath. A shudder passed through it in reflection of the resonance between the two-

   -and Yue ran past him. Steadfast, she did not look behind her until she was firmly in the Humanities building. The air conditioned, concrete gray, silent halls shocked her back into reality and the sounds of the world poured back in her ears. She gasped, sucking in air over and over- pressing against the icy walls and skidding down to her bottom. A group of teen girls walked past her, hushing their voices and avoiding glancing for an illusion of privacy Yue knew was just that- an illusion. Privacy was not something she took lightly, and yet it was not something she had in spades.

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