𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 ★ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

Start from the beginning

Zuko slammed the staff down glaring at Aang.

"Weren't you banished by your father? I was banished too, but for a good reason. You were banished for being a wussy and not fighting your awful father" I spat, "Plus he gave you a scar.. you have zero room to talk.."

"Shut up!" Zuko yelled slamming the staff onto the ground.

He walked over examining the sapphire necklace   that sat on my neck. He grabbed the sapphire pendant and used it as an anchor to snatch it off my neck.

"GIVE It BACK! THAT WAS MY MOTHERS!"  I yelled trying to free myself from the tight ropes.

"Take the avatar to the prison.. I would like to speak to the banished princess alone.." Zuko scoffed

Zuko grabbed onto my shoulder harshly pushing me inside of the ship. My stomach was filled with worry, I was confused on what the Fire Nation Prince wanted from me.

I was taken into a room filled with stuff, expensive looking stuff at that. Zuko must be a collector. That's why he took my necklace.

Zuko pushed me harshly against the wall my back slammed against it. He stood infront of me with his arms crossed. I bit my bottom lip nervously as he continued to stare at me. I stared back trying not to seem intimidated.

"That pony tail of yours is doing your pretty face no justice.." I broke the silence, a smirk painting my face.

"For someone being held captive you sure talk a lot.." He said coldly.

Zuko's glare never broke from me as he continued to stare at me for a few more minutes. Sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Tell me, how did you manage to learn water-bending even with those traditional rules of yours.." Zuko asked his back against the wall.

I sighed, rolling my eyes before responding.

"Give me back my necklace and I'll answer any stupid question you want" I said.

Suddenly Zuko froze hearing a door get kicked down and hearing a distant yell.


It felt like 10 million weights were lifted off my shoulders hearing those words.

Zuko ran towards me putting tape over my mouth. He then proceeded to hide behind the door stealthy.

Aang soon ran past the door, but he slammed on his 'brakes' turning back to look into the room.

"Y/n?! and my staff!" He yelled.

I tried to warn him about Zuko behind the door but my words were muffled and inaudible. Aang ran into the room to free me, and Zuko slammed the door behind him.

"Looks like I underestimated you.." Zuko spoke.

Zuko began to get in a fighting stance and throw fire at Aang. The avatar managed to dodge the flames and I managed to not get hit.

Aang used his air scooter to scoot on walls and float in the air. Aang grabbed a tapestry off the walls and wrapped around to Zuko to temporarily immobilize him.

Aang took this time to untie me and rip the tape off my mouth.

"OW!" I yelled, rubbing my mouth where the tape once stuck.

Zuko freed himself with his harsh flames, he let out yell before getting in a fighting stance once again.

"I can't help you in here, Aang. No water.." I admitted putting my hands down.

"No problem!" Aang smiled.

Aang air-bended a nearby mattress onto Zuko slamming into the wall. Zuko hit the wall with a loud thump before flopping back onto the mattress.

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