1. the desperate kingdom of love

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't anyone ring the doorbell in this town?" Peyton asked.

"I think we should learn to lock the door, sis." Emma said.

"I just don't do it." Brooke said about the fact that she never pressed the doorbell or even knocked on the door.

"Let's go, girls." Brooke said, looking at the Sawyer sisters.

"And where are we going?" Peyton asked.

"It's day two of the Brooke and Peyton Hoes Over Bros Reunion Tour." Brooke said.

Emma sat down on Peyton's bed and looked at Brooke.

"And where do I fit into that?" Emma asked.

"Well, you've always been Hoes Over Bros. You're the president of Hoes Over Bros, Emma Violet Sawyer." Brooke said.

Brooke left the room, and Emma followed right behind the girl with Brooke pulling her hand to see the ring Ethan had given her.

Brooke had taken the girls to the docks, where they were passing several speedboats.

"Brooke, what are you up to?" Peyton asked.

"You guys have been on my dad's boat before." Brooke spoke as calmly and naturally as possible.

"Yeah, with you and your dad, B. Davis." Emma said, walking behind the girl and alongside her sister, climbing into Brooke's father's boat.

"Details. It's like driving a car. It's just on water and without a speed limit." Brooke said.

"Yeah, and jetski's are like motorcycles, swimmers are pedestrians and we're going to die." Emma replied.

Peyton pointed at her sister in agreement.

"Girls, look at us. Look at this day. We are practically a beer commercial. It would be wrong not to take it. So let's go." Brooke said as she finished getting into the boat, causing Peyton and Emma to follow her.

"If I die and you live, can you tell Dad and Ethan that I love them and will come back to haunt Brooke if she survives?" Emma said to Peyton, who laughed at her sister's drama.

The girls got into the boat alongside Brooke, who began to steer the boat, making Emma hold on tightly to her sister's hand.


Ethan and Lucas went after Keith along the beach, considering that the man had been missing for a considerable time after answering a phone call.

"Dad?" Ethan called out to his father when he found him standing in a corner looking out to sea.

"Jeez, who died?" Luke asked, seeing Keith's expression.

"It's Dan. He had a heart attack." Keith explained and left, leaving the boys alone.

"Are you all right, Luke?" Ethan asked his cousin, watching him remain silent.

"I don't know." Luke said.

The boys went to Keith, who was on the balcony of their new apartment. Keith asked if Luke wanted to talk about it, but Luke didn't know what to think and asked Keith if he thought Karen already knew the news.

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