The Exchange Part Two

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The Exchange Part Two

I pull my hair. If I don't get a status on Kenma soon, I'm going to be a patient here.

I shake Kuroo. "Please...convince them to let me see him. Just for one minute."

He gives me a sympathetic look. "Fine. I'll try my best. But I'm not promising anything. She sounded pretty pissed off."

The next five minutes feels like an hour. I jump up as soon as I see Kuroo walk back in the waiting room. "Well?"

He rests his hand on my shoulder. "Come on. She's giving you five minutes."

He walks me to Kenma's hospital room. " he okay?"

Kuroo glances at me. "Yeah. He...umm...has some fractured ribs. Since they can't fix broken ribs, they have him on high doses of pain medication. To be honest, you'll probably just be watching him sleep."

I make a fist with my hand. "Dammit...this is all my fault. Why didn't I just listen to his instructions back on the court? Kenma's always right!"

Kuroo stops me in front of Kenma's room. "Stop blaming yourself. You said it was an accident."

I stare at the door and take a deep breath. I open it slowly, not wanting to wake Kenma if he's asleep.

His mother is holding his hand, crying. I furrow my brow. I thought he only had a few fractured ribs. Those just heal on their own.

She glares at me. I know she hates me, but damn.

"Five minutes!" she says.

I bow, showing my respect. "Thank you."

She leaves the room. Tears immediately stream down my face when I see Kenma. Kuroo was right. He looks heavily medicated.

I sit in the chair next to his bed. I immediately find his hand and give it a tight squeeze. "Kenma, I'm so sorry. You're here because of me."

"(Y/N)?" Kenma says, voice raspy.

My heart skips a beat. I let out a breath of relief. "Kenma!" I stand up from the chair. "You're awake!"

He gives me a weak smile. His eyes are barely open. "Hey. Did we win?"

I let out a laugh. "He's in the hospital, and all he can think about is the game."

"To be honest, I didn't bother asking." I reach down and kiss his lips. "Are you in pain?"

Kenma winces. "Yeah. This chest tube hurts like hell."

My eyes hunt the bed. What is he talking about? "What...chest tube? Kuroo only told me you had some fractured ribs."

"Yeah, I had some complications so they shoved this tube in my chest. Pneumothorax? I think that's what they called it."

My eyes fall to the floor. I see it.

"Hey, (Y/N)? My mom told me you're going back to America. Since when? I thought you wanted to attend university here."

I hold Kenma's hand. "No! She's forcing me to go back. have to convince her. I don't want to leave you. I can't leave you."

He closes his eyes. The medication must still be in his system.

"Kenma?" I gently shake him. "Kenma? I want to tell you something before my time runs out."

He doesn't wake up. I pick his arm up and it immediately falls on the bed. I can feel myself start to panic.

No...I have to be strong for him. I look closer. He looks too peaceful. I count his respirations. Zero. I pace the room, wondering what to do. Shit...I know basic CPR, but he already has broken ribs. I notice the code blue button on the wall and press it.

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