(Y/N) Meets (Y/N)?

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(Y/N): Well This Is Awkward

Standing Before The Teenage Male Was An Identical Teenage Male That Looked and Sounded Like Him

Other (Y/N): You're Telling Me

Everyone In The Hotel Looked In Shock

Angel: Am I High

Charlie: Two Babies (Excited)

Vaggie: This Can't Be Real

Niffty: Two Baby Brothers~EEEEEE~

Husker: I'm Too Sober For This

Alastor: My I Can Already Sense The Chaos Brewing From This

(Y/N): So Uh? Did Your Charlie Find You In An Alleyway In Hell.

Other (Y/N): Not Really, I Was Kidnapped

(Y/N): Huh?!

Other (Y/N): Oh Yeah Some Demonic Cult Killed My Parents and Kidnapped Me And Sealed A Demons Power Inside Me. Now I Got These Sick New Powers

(Y/N): Cool

Other (Y/N): So What About You

(Y/N): My Mom Charlie Found Me and Raised Me

Other (Y/N): So Like No Special Powers

(Y/N): I'm Not 100% Sure, For Some Odd Reason I Have His Ability Whenever I Take Damage, I Can Somehow Heal Myself and Inflict The Damage To The Person Who Caused It.

Other (Y/N): So You're Like A Healer

(Y/N): I Guess So

Other (Y/N): Dude That's Awesome

Charlie: Alright Mama's Little Babies

Other (Y/N): Hey You Look Like My Mom Charlie, Only Taller

Charlie(Excited): You Mean I'm Still Your Mother In A Different Universe

Other (Y/N): Yeah

(Y/N): What's Your Universe Like

Other (Y/N): Same Old, Same Old

(Y/N): Cool

Vaggie: Anyway I Think You Should Be Heading Back Now

Charlie: Come On Vaggie, Let Him Stay

Vaggie: Charlie Hun, If His Moms Are Anything Like Us. We'll Mostly Be At Each Others Throats

Husker: Yeah I'm Not Dealing With 4 Psycho Broads


(Y/N): Niffty No!!!

???: (Y/N) There You Are

The Group Turned To See Another Charlie and Vaggie Enter The Room

The Group Turned To See Another Charlie and Vaggie Enter The Room

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Angel: Holy S**t Another Charlie

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Angel: Holy S**t Another Charlie

Other Charlie: We've Been Looking All Over Hell For You (Hugs Other (Y/N))

Other (Y/N): Relax Moms I'm Oka-.....Owowowowow

Other Vaggie: You're In So Much Trouble When We Get Back To The Hotel. Mister

Other (Y/N): But I Didn't Even DO Anything. Zenith Help Me Out Here Man

Zenith: You're On Your Own Kid

Other (Y/N): Oh Screw You

(Y/N): Uhhhh....Bye Other Me, Hope To Talk Again Soon

Other (Y/N): Likewise....OW!!! Not So Hard Mom

Vaggie: That Was..... Something

Angel: Yeah, They're Just Like You Two Crazy Broads

(Y/N): Well If Anyone Needs Me I'll Be In My Room, Playing Video Games

Alastor: In Translation, I've Got A Date With Emily


Charlie: Oh You Do, Do YOU!!!


Charlie and Vaggie Run After Their Son As The Others Were Too Busy Laughing

Too Important To Lose (One-Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora