☆ - Writing Labels - ☆

70 3 2

"Normal" - Talking
D-Dashes - Stuttering
CAPS - Outbursts, Yelling
Bold - Narrator
Italic - Thoughts

🧠🛠 Solar's P.O.V🛠🧠

🕹👾Ruin's P.O.V👾🕹

🤡💀Eclipse's P.O.V💀🤡

🐉☀️Sundrop's P.O.V☀️🐉

🐺🌙Moondrop's P.O.V🌙🐺

🌟♊️Lunar's P.O.V♊️🌟

🪿🌏Earth's P.O.V🌏🪿

Sorry if the emojis don't fit the characters, I'm basing them off of recent episodes. And I just had to do Eclipse dirty-

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