Hanging Out

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Luke's P.O.V
(The next day)
The date last night with Mackenzie was amazing. I'm happy I get to finally call her mine. If anyone even thinks of hurting my girl, I will hurt them. I've been waiting for 4 years to get her and now that I finally got her, I will never hurt her. I feel bad that she gets this shit from Skylar who is just jealous. I always knew and thought Skylar had a crush on me but yesterday my thoughts were confirmed. I don't think she will be bothering Mackenzie or me anymore but if she does, I'll just call her out again. Mackenzie and I are going to hang out today and have a movie day in so I'm going over to her house in like 20 minutes so I gotta get dressed in to more comfortable clothes. It would be weird if I went in tight black skinny jeans to lay down and watch movies so I'll change into my joggers. I wish Mackenzie and I started dating sooner because I wanted to call her mine for so long but I'm glad we are together now because now is better than never. Also, the junior prom is coming up so I can ask her to it. As I'm thinking to myself I get a text from my mom
"Hey hon, I won't be home till late tonight. There are leftovers in the freezer. Love you!!"
Wow what a surprise! My mom is never home so I basically live in this house by myself. I'll just take Mackenzie out to eat if we don't eat at her house. Since I'm all ready to go, I text Mackenzie that I'm on my way. We only live like 5 minutes away from each other so it's a quick walk.
When I get to Mackenzie's house, my eyes widen at how hot she looks. Holy shit!! She looks SO hot. I can't believe I get to call that mine. "Damn baby." I had to say to her and she raises her eyebrow.
"What? Is something wrong?" She asks with a confused look on her face.
"No babe. But there's a problem." By now she is so confused :s
"What??? What is it, Luke? Do I look bad?" She sounded scared and embarrassed.
"No baby, not at all. You look too hot. I have to keep you inside before they come at you." I chuckle and she smacks me in the arm.
"Ohmygod. You got me so scared. I thought something was wrong." I couldn't help but laugh which results in me getting another smack.
"Aww I'm sorry baby girl. I love you. I'm sorry for scaring you. You better be sorry for looking so hot." She just smirks in reply and says
"Never babe. What are you gonna do about it?" So she wants to challenge me, huh? Well two can play at this game.
"I'm gonna punish you baby girl." Now it's my turn to smirk. Mackenzie's face is priceless. She looks so shocked by my answer but it shortly turns into a smirk. "Oh really? How?" She really wants to know how? Well I'll just show her. I kiss her roughly and pull her close to me. I sneak my tongue towards her mouth and and she moans. She tugs at my hair and I moan. She reaches for the hem of my shirt but I pull away. "Nah uh uh" Once again I smirk and she pouts. "Whyyyy babeeee. You can't lead me on like that and not do anything" She pouts but I still smirk. This is what she gets for not listening to me. "This is your punishment babe." She doesn't say anything but instead kisses me and I, of course return the kiss.

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