Start from the beginning

"Are you serious? You can't let my daughter have one hour of quiet? Well, now I know who's never hereticwatching." Damon comments snarkily. 

Stefan inhales, ignoring his brother's snarky comment. "Evie, we need it." 

"Hey, no, you're not using my daughter. I don't care if you're her uncle, sworn enemy, best friend, or even future aunt." Damon glances between them, speaking sternly and harshly. "Leave my daughter out of this, you animals." 

Evelyn raises her eyebrows. "Animals?" 

"They're acting like animals." Damon clarifies. 

"Look, we can get Bonnie to remove the original spell which would make the device harmless to vampires." Elena speaks softly. "Please, Damon, Evelyn."

Evelyn exhales, sharing a look with her father. 


"Just to be clear, I'm not doing this for you." Damon narrows his eyes at Elena. "I'm doing this because Lynnie wants it. Don't mistake this for us being friends that do things for each other. And if you use my daughter to get what you want again, I think I'll use you as a human blood bag. I don't care if you look like Katherine Pierce or are my brother's girl. My daughter is my highest priority and she will not be used for you animals' purposes." 

Evelyn widens her eyes. "Dad!" 

Damon gives her a pointedly look. "What? It's true." 

Evelyn exhales, crossing her arms. Bonnie enters the boarding house and sets up the things she needs for the spell. She removes the spelled item in the device, beginning to remove the original spell that Emily Bennett cast 145 years ago. 

The lights in the room turn off. The flame in the fireplace grows brighter and bigger. The only thing they see is the candles in front of Bonnie and the fireplace. The spelled item levitates in the air as Bonnie holds her hands in front of it. Then the item falls back down on the table, the lights turning back on. 

Bonnie turns to Elena. "Done." She clarifies softly. 

Elena slowly walks forward, taking the spelled item from Bonnie as the item no longer has the spell that would harm vampires. 

"Great. Now what?" Damon questions. 

"Now we give it to Isobel." Elena clarifies softly, glancing down at the item. 


"Did you really think that I came alone?" Elena fires back at her biological mother, making Isobel turn around to see the two Salvatore vampires and the Salvatore heretic approaching. 

Isobel turns back to Elena. "For God's sake. Call home." 

Elena frowns confused. "What?" 

"Call home." Isobel repeats in irritation. "Ask to speak with your brother, Jeremy." She instructs the human doppelganger.

Elena quickly pulls out her phone, doing as the vampire says. 

"Jeremy. Are you okay?" Elena questions after Jeremy picks up the call. 

Jeremy exhales. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Uncle John hit his head. It was an accident. Yeah, but I'm okay." 

"I'll be home soon, all right?" Elena tells him. 

"Yeah." Jeremy speaks before hanging up. 

Elena puts her phone away before slowly turning back to the vampire. "You were never gonna hurt him." She realizes. 

"No, I was gonna kill him." Isobel states calmly. 

Elena sends her a questioning look. 

Isobel shakes her head. "Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any." She speaks calmly and quietly. 

Elena furrows her eyebrows. "But you took a risk with Damon. How did you know Damon was gonna give it to me?" 

"Because he loves his heretic daughter. Evelyn, is it? Evelyn Stefania Salvatore. Yes, I've heard all about the Salvatore heretic. Daughter of Damon Salvatore. A tomb vampire. She's been desiccated for 145 years and now blood is her sworn enemy. Better be careful around that one so she doesn't get snappy and take a sip. You wouldn't wanna annoy her." Isobel speaks. 

Elena narrows her eyes. "You don't know anything-" 

"Give it to me." Isobel holds out her hand. 

Elena sighs, pulling the device out of her pocket and putting it in the vampire's hand. "Just so we're clear, you don't know anything about Evelyn. So leave her alone or we will all end you. Maybe you will end up on the wrong side of her magic. Heretic magic seems to be more painful than Bennett magic. And thank you." She fires back. 

"For what?" Isobel questions. 

Elena shakes her head, scoffing quietly. "For being such a monumental disappointment. It keeps the memory of my real mother perfectly intact."

Isobel smirks slightly. "Goodbye, Elena. As long as you have a Salvatore brother on each arm, you're doomed. Katherine was smart. She got out. But we all know that you're not Katherine. Maybe you should choose the daughter instead. The best option you have." She finalizes before walking away. 

Stefan walks over to Elena, hugging her. Evelyn and Damon share a look as they watch how the two hug closely. 

"We should leave." Damon whispers. 

"Definitely. This is getting weird." Evelyn comments, scrunching her nose. 

Damon furrows his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" 

"The thing she said about me and Elena...to think about my uncle's girlfriend like that...don't take it wrong, Elena is not ugly, but it would feel wrong." Evelyn mumbles softly. 

Damon nods slightly in agreement. "I can see that." 


Evelyn lies in her bed reading a book, remaining unaware of how three Originals are watching her. Suddenly, Damon enters the room. 

"So, I might've told Stefan about John being Elena's biological father." Damon mutters before taking a sip of his bourbon. 

Evelyn raises her eyebrows, looking up from her book. "Well, what a piece of wonderful parents she has." She retorts sarcastically. 

Damon hums, lying down on his bed beside her. 



I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

I'm thinking of starting on episode 8 in season 2. That's when Rose and Trevor kidnap Elena and where Elijah is first introduced. 

And if you wonder why Evelyn always sleeps in Damon's bed, it's because he wants her close and therefore she doesn't have her own room officially. But she will get her own bedroom in the boarding house later in the book. 

Evelyn every day: *sweet, polite and kind*

Ripper Evelyn: *only cares about blood* 

Evelyn trying to resist the bloodlust: *sassy, sarcastic, snarky, witty* 

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