"(Y/N) has always been defiant, Commander, even to the Council," worded Plo with fondness as he remembered the years spent training her. She was stubborn but also empathic and warm-hearted. At times, she didn't care to hold back her thoughts; instead, she voiced them regardless of such consequences. Many times, had traits from her life before the Jedi shone through—traits from her time as a Sith.

"How so?" asked Comet, allowing his curiosity to get the better of him. Even more so when Plo spoke so fondly, as a father would for their daughter, rather than how a Jedi Master would speak of their former Padawan.

"She has a way of wording things. Direct and normally sarcastic, it is not unusual for her to disguise cleverly worded insults. Nor is it out of the ordinary for her to disregard orders," replied Plo, recalling some of the times she'd completely ignored orders. She did so during her final assignment as his Padawan. The council had called her back after deeming the assignment a lost course. (Y/N) However, refused to leave the people of Lothal to fend for themselves when they clearly needed help. So she stayed and completed her original assignment, although it had come at a cost.

"What was her specialty?" voiced Wolffe, lying back on his own stretcher once he was certain (Y/N) wouldn't be going anywhere. The question gained the attention of both Plo and his brothers.

"I'm not sure one would call it a specialty," replied Plo, trying to find the best words to answer the question. There were many things his former Padawan was skilled at, from combining lightsaber forms in combat to her vast knowledge. There were many times when she fiddled with something as a padawan. "But, (Y/N) does have an unequaled knowledge of the underworld, a web of connections few others could hope for. There is little that happens there without her knowing of it."

"And she isn't in command of the Commandoes?" Boost unintentionally voiced, a combination of shock and surprise lacing his voice. The trooper was thankful for his helmet as it concealed the horror painted on his features, even more so when he hadn't intended for his thoughts to be heard.

"I thought she already was," commented Wolffe, vaguely remembering Gregor mentioning a Dathomirian Jedi leading Foxtrot's unit through a particularly grueling battle. Of course, Gregor made some jokes about it, although he didn't mention the Jedi's name. Nor did the Commando give any details about them outside of being Dathomirian.

"She took over command of the 916th Batallion after the death of Master Cove Kenari," stated Plo, recalling the sudden loss of the great Jedi Master. He'd given his life in an attempt to deliver relief aid to one of the many planets suffering from the war, and the small number of troopers with him had also fallen. All of them had perished as heroes.

"Wait, are you saying she didn't have her own battalion before?" Comet asked, putting the pieces together and finding only confusion and more questions. Plo, on the other hand, gave nothing away, instead placing a taloned hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, gifting her with comfort and calming her racing mind—numbing her pain and suffering for a little while.

"(Y/N)'s journey has been different from that of a regular Jedi. Because of this, many within the Order distrust her; many have found it difficult to look past her heritage or her ties to the Sith. Fear often clouds the minds of those who brand her the enemy," said Plo, sadness seeming to echo through his voice, even more so as he remembered the pain and all the suffering she'd been through over the years. On several occasions, he'd found himself wondering if (Y/N)'s affliction with the underworld was by her own choice or forced upon her by those who had so heartlessly judged and claimed her the enemy.

"Where will she go from here?" asked Sinker, failing to hold back the bugging question. Although he suspect Plo would want her to stay a little longer, if the council collectively decided otherwise or the senate declared differently, then (Y/N) would be sent somewhere else entirely. Perhaps she would command the 916th again if they hadn't been assigned a more permanent Jedi General, or maybe she'd be tasked with an undercover operation more suited to her skill set, at least after she recovered.

"Shaak Ti requested her assistance on Kamino" replied Plo, recalling the orders coming through. (Y/N) had been there assisting Shaak Ti before being called to replace Cove Kenari as general of the 916th. "Rest assured, she'll be with another who cares for her. The assignment will work to her skill set," reassured Plo. Soon after he voiced his words, the LAAT landed in the shipyard. In a whirlwind of minutes blending together, the group aboard went separate ways. Comet and Boost took (Y/N) to the medbay, followed by Sinker and Warthog with Wolffe. Sinker cracks a few jokes to try to lighten the mood.

Plo, on the other hand, found himself in the communication center. He listened to the latest war effort updates from other generals and Jedi commanders scattered across the torn galaxy. He delivered his own at the same time, reporting the incident with Wolffe and (Y/N) and the known injuries, at least alerting Shaak Ti, who quickly requested regular updates as if she were a mother concerned for her child.

"If you are to remove (Y/N) from the 916th," started Plo, remaining calm despite his growing frustration and agreement with Anakin regarding the pointless move the council had collectively made. I recommend assigning her to the Commandoes; they already respect her, perhaps more than they do others," he added, recalling the Commandos' obvious dislike, almost hatred, for Mace Windu and their habit of ignoring the majority of the order and senate.

"I agree," declared Obi-Wan shortly after, followed by Anakin and Shaak Ti. After a few moments of thinking, Yoda nodded in agreement before wording the latest orders for (Y/N). Once she was ready to return to the battlefield and complete her assignment on Kamino, she was to take command of the Commando units and work closely with the other Jedi spread so thinly across the war-torn galaxy. 

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