Chapter 3: KickinChicken

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The Smiling Critters were terrified by The Hour of Joy, some tried to save some of the innocent children, but nothing escaped the Prototype. 4 hours later The Hour of Joy ends. KickinChicken is horrified by the violence, but as the cool kid of the group he couldn't be afraid, he couldn't be weak, he needed to be strong, he needed it to survive.

KickinChicken stayed awake the rest of the night, but it wasn't like any other Critter slept either. He was thinking of a plan to escape his fate. He knew he couldn't beat CatNap. One time all the Critters tried to tell CatNap that The Prototype was a false god CatNap then got aggressive attacking the Critters, but even with all The Smiling Critters fighting him, no one could defeat his huge power, the fight was interrupted by employees who beat them as punishment.

Now back to reality, Kickin would try to get advice from his good and smiling friend DogDay, but DogDay kept looking at the ground in an awkward silence. Kickin decided he needed to figure something out on his own, maybe he could ask Bubba Bubbaphant, he was smart, he probably had a plan in hand, Kickin thought.

Over the next few minutes, Kickin went to Bubba asking him for a plan to escape.


"Yes Kickin"

"I just wanted to ask if you could help me with my escape plan before CatNap kills us."

"Now Kickin, I don't believe we have to escape CatNap, I believe maybe we could talk to him."

"HELL no Bubba you didn't see the way he talked, I mean just look at DogDay."

While Bubba and Kickin were talking, Hoppy overheard their conversation and went to talk to Kickin.

"Escape, you say Kickin?" Hoppy Hopscotch the smiling green rabbit told him.

"Yeah, I was trying to ask Bubba for help, but he thinks we can "just talk" to CatNap."

"I would like to join you in your escape plan."

"Well then you are more than welcome to join."

"Okay Kickin, my idea is that we should split up, so if CatNap sees us he would have to go after one and the other would stay alive."

"Separated, you say?"


"It might work, so tomorrow morning we can start our escape."

"Okay, i guess."

KickinChicken and Hoppy Hopscotch decided that tomorrow morning they would escape in the dark and devastated night of Playcare, but it's not like they know when it's day and night with everything being artificial in Playcare.

Next morning it was 6:08 am.

Kickin and Hoppy went outside Playcare, their plan was going well, by now normally there would be security guards protecting the entrance, but everyone was dead, the guilty and the innocent.

But Kickin was determined to get out of that horrible factory. Hoppy went to the Game Station and she would try to get out there. As Kickin tried to get out on the train tracks. For ten minutes, there was no sign of CatNap, it looked like their plan would work, they would leave the factory.

But then he saw him CatNap. CatNap was looking for both. Kickin could hear CatNap's words "Where are you?"
Kickin was terrified, but luckily for him CatNap didn't see him. He kept running on the train tracks and that's when he saw a light he finally found the way out of the torment he could already feel the sunlight he finally did i- *crash*

"NO ONE CAN LEAVE" CatNap said as his claw went through KickinChicken's heart.

Kickin couldn't believe it, when he finally found the exit, he was killed, but even though he didn't leave, he knew he got what he dreamed of he got the sunlight.

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