Chapter 21: Operation: Démon Strike Commence

Comenzar desde el principio

Moah: What? Since When? And, Don't tell me you gonna....

Gai: Yes, I going to do it. When we arrive at the Location, Give me some time and I will save them accordingly from the Survivor who have given some Information of the Exact Location of the
People that been held Captives.

Then, Moah Slow down a Bit as the Squad also Slow down upon seeing Moah Slow down for abit.

John: Huh? What the hold up?

Moah: Gai!

Gai: What, Moah?

Moah: Gai, You know that we in the middle of a Joint Operation with the American, German and British, Right? You can't just go in there and tried to save them on your on! We can't act independently in this situation.

John: Uh..... What happen here....?

Moah: Oh! John, Well, Gai here have a Very important Person that is been held in the Great Hall and We need time to Confirm the Well-being of the Person is Alright. To Consider that the Town is Full of Démon, The chance on finding this Person might be Slim in Chances.

John: Oh..... I See.

Gai: Hope up a Minutes there, Moah! It not that kind of Relationship that we into!

John: *Sigh* it OK. Well, We can Buy you some time to save and Confirm the 'That's Person' Fate. Also, Save more of the People in the Great Hall. While, We will deal with the Démon head on. Come on, Now.

As, They begin to move again.

Gai: You know, John?

John: Yes?

Gai: You are a Great Person from my View. I hope When this is Over I'll Treat you a Feast, Eh?

John: Eh? It nothing at all. It also our Duty to follow Order and Also Protect the People even it was Foreign. Have a Change of Law since the Arrival on this 'New World'.

Moah: I heard that from some Rumor about your Nation with the Alliance are from another World, Right?

John: Yes, That right! But, for now, We have some duty to do.

Then, A Crack of the Radio came from one of the American Radiomen begun to Speak from it.

Radio: This is the First Forward Vanguard, How Copy?

John: Hold up, Give me the Radio.

All of them stop as John take the Radio from the Radiomen as He speak through the Radio on the Vanguard at the Surface.

John: This the Diversion Squad, What the Situation Over there?

Radio: The Situation still clear, No Sign of Démon at the Outer Wall. I think they are at the Inner Wall. We arrive and are overlooking from the Small Hill before we Received the Command from you, Sir.

John: Good, Well do we need to Blow out the Wall?

Radio: No, Sir. The Wall have a Gap that the Platoon will enter. It also enough to fit all our Tank in.

John: Good, Then, You all are clear to Move in and be on Caution on all the Direction for any Démon Ambush. But, It seem they might be unaware about us that will Arrive. So, Upon entering, Let loose hell on those Démon, Save anyone that You Came Across, Anything else other than that?

Radio: Nothing, Sir, The Vanguard will move in now.

John: Ok, Over and Out!

The Radio Transmission was Close as John Look back at the Squad.

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