After indulging in our delicious dessert and arriving back home, I glanced at Watchman uncle who acknowledged me with a nod. Leading Naveen ji into our room, he was once again taken aback by what he saw. I had transformed our bedroom into a cozy movie setup, reminiscent of a scene from a film.

"What's all this?!" he exclaimed, clearly surprised.

"Let's watch a movie, shall we?" I suggested, pulling him onto the bed and covering us with a soft comforter. I selected his all-time favorite film, The Godfather, knowing that he could watch it countless times without ever growing tired of it.

Not long after watching the movie, we found ourselves lost in each other's embrace, his kisses filled with an undeniable passion.

He gently switched off the television and motioned for me to lie down on the bed. Drawing the curtains around us, he created an intimate space just for the two of us. Slowly, he trailed his lips from my mouth to my neck, leaving a trail of passionate kisses along the way.

A soft moan escaped my lips as he tenderly licked the spot where he had left a mark. With a deliberate touch, he undid the fastenings of my kurti, revealing my bare shoulders and collarbone. His lips continued their exploration, gliding down my body as my kurti slipped further down, exposing my bra. Skillfully, he unhooked it, teasingly playing with my nipples until they stood erect, eliciting cries of pleasure from me.

He focused his attention on my left breast, while his hand fondled the right one, creating a symphony of sensations. After lavishing attention on both, he removed my kurti completely, leaving me exposed. His gaze traveled from top to bottom, appreciating every inch of my being. Coming closer, he kissed me once again, whispering, "You're a beautiful mess."

His lips continued their journey, exploring every inch of my body, until they finally reached my most intimate area. Skillfully, he teased and caressed, causing me to arch my back in pleasure. Slowly, he latched onto me, sending shivers down my spine. He continued to pleasure me, his fingers joining in, intensifying the sensations and causing me to cry out in ecstasy.

After thoroughly pleasuring me, he discarded his pants and positioned himself at my entrance. As I closed my eyes, preparing to feel him inside me, I sensed something was amiss. Opening my eyes, I saw Naveen ji crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, my breath uneven.

Without uttering a word, he entered me, moving with a mix of passion and emotion. He kissed and nibbled at my body, heightening our connection. Eventually, we both reached the pinnacle of pleasure, and in that moment, he buried his face in my neck, releasing all the pent-up emotions.

He cried out, his sobs echoing through the room. It was as if he was purging himself of every burden he carried. His body trembled as he continued to cry. Changing our position, he held me tightly, cradling me in his arms.

"Why are you crying? I asked him again.

"I don't know! I feel like I have failed! Failed as a friend, failed as a son, as a brother, as a CEO." he said weeping.

"Who told you that?" I asked him shocked.

"No one, but these feelings have consumed me. I feel like a failure as a friend because I couldn't maintain my lifelong friendship, as a son because my parents looked up to me, saying their son is so successful, but what am I now? And as a brother, because Sage used to say I was her inspiration. What kind of inspiration am I now?" he continued to cry.

"No - no, you haven't failed," I reassured him.

"I feel like I'll even fail as a husband, baayko," he said.

"Never. You will never fail," I declared.

"What if someday I don't trust you?" he questioned.

"I will ensure that day never arrives," I promised.

"Isabelle, I am having these strange feelings. Feelings like you are gonna go away from me too. Feelings that I am going to be a failure as a husband too." Naveen ji said looking at me.

My heart swelled with love and compassion as Naveen ji bared his soul to me. I gently clasped his hand, offering solace and support.

"Naveen ji, your fears and vulnerabilities are valid, but remember that I am here for you, always. We are a team, and together we can conquer any obstacles. You are an amazing husband, and I have full faith that we will triumph over any challenges that cross our path." Naveen's gaze softened, feeling a wave of comfort envelop him.

Naveen ji expressed his concerns, stating, "I have a feeling that something unfortunate is on the horizon."

In response, I reassured him, "No matter how dire the situation may be, I will stand by your side."

Acknowledging his emotional instability, Naveen ji humbly asked, "I'm afraid I might make a terrible mistake due to my unstable emotions. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

In response to Naveen ji's humble request for forgiveness, I empathetically replied, "Naveen ji, I understand that emotions can sometimes cloud our judgment and lead us astray. I want you to know that I hold no grudges against you, and I am more than willing to forgive any mistakes you may make. We all have moments of vulnerability, and it is important to support each other during such times."

I continued, "Instead of dwelling on the fear of making mistakes, let us focus on finding solutions and learning from any missteps. Together, we can navigate through any challenges that come our way. Remember, we are a team, and I am here to offer my unwavering support and understanding."


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