II: Baseball Time

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First Person POV:
I'd gotten to school a bit earlier today, not managing a wink of sleep that night. As of right now I was situated up in the branches of a tree near E-class, resting my eyes before class began, as I hear some rustling not too far away.
"Oh, it looks Korosensei had the same idea..." I quietly muttered as I spot him lazing in a folding chair with a newspaper in hand (tentacle??). Below my tree I noticed Nagisa and Sugino talking "there he is, chilling out back before the first bell. Not a care in the world... reading a Hawaiian newspaper casually picked up from Hawaii on the way here!" Sugino paused and turned back to the blue haired boy "nice, good work Nagisa, thanks! I owe you one." Nagisa just smiles "you're welcome, best of luck Sugino." Hmm, I wonder what Sugino's planning? Sugino chuckles "heh, ten billion big here I come!" I finally spot the baseball in his hand- wait is it covered in anti-sensei bbs? Huh, the octopus can move at Mach 20 so I kinda doubt Sugino's method will work... but hey, maybe a little creativity is just what is needed. I see him throw the ball, I watch with mild interest now semi invested.
"Top of the mornin' to ya!"
Korosensei appears abruptly behind up.
I squeaked out in surprise as I loose my balance on the branch I was sitting on.
I lived a good life, 14 years. I got good grades, except science, my oldest foe-
"L/n-San are you alright?"
Oh, I'm not dead. Unfortunate. I shuffled to my feet with an awkward smile, did it count as eavesdropping if I was here first?
"It's usually considered polite to reply." He smiles, referring to his earlier greetings. The boys regain their composure after a moment of confusion "uh, yes sir, sorry sir." Nagisa responds "good morning sir."

Korosensei begins his analysis on Sugino's assassination attempt, as I'd thought it wasn't quick enough.
I begin to zone out as the octopus continues.
He smirks and turns yellow with green stripes.
"Tik-tok children graduation will be here before you know it." He begins walking away "right then! Home room if you would please." Sugino sighs, I kinda feel like I'm intruding... "yes sir... damn it, well so much for my fast ball..." should I leave or-? "Big shock there I guess..." god I'm terrible at comforting people "it was a good throw." Nagisa comforts him. I sneak away before it gets any more awkward for me.

After my admittedly strange run-in this morning I'd made my way to E-class. We were currently discussing modern literature. I was trying my best to pay attention (currently falling in and out of sleep) literature was not something I struggled with so I could afford it. Sugino was still looking quite bothered by his earlier failure. This lecture was so boring...

This time skip is brought to you by caffeine, the only reason I'm still awake:

We'd been released for lunch as Korosensei gets ready to go, he opens a window "that's lunch people, if you'll excuse me I have some important off-campus business to attend to." "Tofu from China?" Isogai guesses
"Actually I'm catching a ball game in the Big Apple, chao." He blasts off as I plant my feet and guard my face with my hands.
The other kids start complaining (while Okajima and Maehara start thirsting over New York girls) "perverts." I mumbled as I make ready for lunch, it's a nice day I might skip class for the remainder... something to think about.
Karasuma enters the room with some other agents "children, any progress on killing the tentacled menace?" "Define 'progress'" Nagisa responds humorlessly as the others contribute discontented murmurs "all due respect sir, he's to quick," Isogai comments "like so quick you can't even see him sometimes.." Mimura adds "I don't know but you kids better figure it out."
'What a prick, we're a bunch of E-class rejects and he really expects us to beat this monster not even the government could? Absolutely delusional.'
"Seriously?" Okajima asked dejectedly.
"Seriously. You're the only hope we've got." Karasuma replies "he teaches willingly, putting himself in the line of fire by choice." Everyone groans. "If we allow that creature to live come March the earth will be totally annihilated. And in case take a look at what's left of our moon, that'll be our planet in a year. In short he's to dangerous to take lightly-" I stop listening at this point, it's the same things we've all heard before yada yada, we're humanity's last chance, blah blah blah.

I spend the rest of my lunch outside, I find a good tree to climb up and sit calmly for the remainder of the period. I see Korosensei approaching Sugino but leave them be, hey maybe he'll even cheer him up. I remember hearing before he joined E-class he was on the baseball team, if my memory serves me right he was booted off when he got sent here. It's not all that uncommon in all honestly, with all the stigma against us I'm not even all too surprised...
Oh, Korosensei is trying to strangle Sugino. Well that's unfortunate. Anyways-
Nagisa intervened and as Korosensei leaves Sugino looks significantly more hopeful, I wonder what he said.
A little later I see Nagisa and Sugino throwing a baseball back and forth.

Korosensei is certainly not the kind of teacher you'd typically think of, and I even have to wonder what the point is if he plans to blow us all up, but there's not a doubt in my mind. He's odd and looks weird but he's helping us all.
Third person POV:
E-class runs up to Korosensei with smiles and laughter, planning on ambushing him in another assassination attempt. Tears stream from his eyes before they all pull out their anti-sensei knives. He dodged easily "not the worst tactic you've tried but your smiles were a bit too forced, I wasn't born yesterday boys and girls. Now put away these silly anti-me knives-" he drops a cloth full of the knives he'd collected from all of us "and take a moment to stop and smell, if not the roses , then these lovely specimens. And also, could one of you be a dear and wake up our dear l/n-chan from her little nap?" He gestures to the h/c girl who'd been skipping all day.
Before anymore can be said Kataoka begins yelling at Korosensei "are these from the flower bed?! For your information sir we grew these 'lovely specimens' from seeds!" The other girls look absolutely devastated before Korosensei begins frantically replanting new bulbs, being lectured my Kataoka and Fuwa the entire time.
Meanwhile Isogai wakes up y/n who, albeit begrudgingly, rejoins her class.

First person POV:
Later that day while the others are trying to land a hit on Korosensei (he's tied himself up hanging from the limb of a tree as a handicap as "compensation" for ruining the flower bed). I overhear Karasuma and Kayano.
Kayano greets him, asking what he's doing here. In his usual monotone voice he replies "new job assignment, as of tomorrow I join the faculty as a PE teacher."
'Huh, PE teacher? Why am I not surprised they'd want more trained operatives around.'
So far no one's managed to land a hit on our teacher, he's somehow dodging every single attack. I sigh groggily as I sit back and watch, I'd tried but after a full minute of stabbing it just didn't seem like it'd work.
Korosensei laughs mockingly "hahahah, shoot and stab all you want class even with this handicap I am too fast for you! Only in your dreams you have any hope of getting the de-" Just then the branch snapped and he fell.
He lays there for a second, everyone seemingly in shock, before they go back to trying to kill him.
"Wait wait wait! This isn't part of the deal! Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap- my tentacles are all tangled up in the ropes! This isn't what I had in mind!" He tries lecturing them as he runs (wiggles?) away.
After a bit of chasing he manages to get free of the ropes and get to the roof of E-class.
By now I've basically zoned out, picking at a few blades of grass, trying to tie two of them in a knot as they keep breaking when I get close.
Korosensei says something about extra homework, ugh how annoying I didn't even do anything. The others start celebrating, something about being close to killing him. In all honesty any teacher who gives extra homework I'm be totally on board with killing.
The day ends and I'm sitting at my desk working on my extra homework. Earlier I'd overheard Mr. Karasuma, apparently we're getting another student tomorrow... interesting.

Ok I know I last updated this like, a years ago, BUT! I'm back (at least for now lol). Anywho guess who's coming next chapter :D
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed lmao

 Anywho guess who's coming next chapter :DThanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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