Chapter seven

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sorry for the really late post. My life had gone to shit yall <|3

Neteyam has been asleep ever since he came home yesterday and got a light scolding from his father. That was Neteyam's breaking point, in all honesty. Neteyam is tough, very tough, but the stress of moving to another state that's miles away from his real home, being away from his real home and grandmother, and his friends just throwing him out like rubbish was just too much.

Neteyam can safely say he better understands his siblings now.. They've both always been lonely and barely had any friends. Neteyam never understood how that felt, since he hadn't had that problem before. By Eywa's path, it all changed drastically.

Neteyam's little breakdown may have been a bit over the top, but the teenager just wanted a life that wasn't so— There's no way to really explain it. Stress-filled is probably the closest Neteyam can get to illustrating it.

The young boy just wanted a life like Ao'nung's— So many friends, carefree, successful, and happy. Well, that's what Ao'nung makes himself look like. There's more to the story for Ao'nung, but we will get into that in the future.

Both Neytiri and Lo'ak came to check on Neteyam, however, Neteyam had already cried himself to sleep and faked being asleep just so he didn't bother anyone when that happened. It had worried Neytiri, and Lo'ak simply wanted his mother to not worry too much.

(He secretly was also concerned about his older brother, because Neteyam hasn't ever behaved like that.)

Neytiri was very worried for her eldest son. Her husband had told her about what happened, how Neteyam lost all of his friends, then when she walked by the children's rooms, just to get to her own, she heard sobbing. The woman was closest to her youngest son's room, so she checked there first.  The teenagers were just laughing and joking around, while Tuktirey was fast asleep in Lo'ak's arms. That must've meant it was Neteyam. When she checked she could hear the sobs even if she wasn't in the room yet.

The moment she stepped into the room the crying stopped, and her question was left ignored. Neytiri isn't a dumb woman. She's the least thing from it. She could tell that it was Neteyam crying, and that he was pretending to be asleep so he didn't bother her.

Oh, how Neytiri wished Neteyam wasn't so kindhearted at times. She had asked her youngest son to check on Neteyam in a little bit, but it seemed to end the same way. Except her oldest baby was actually asleep. The poor thing must've been exhausted..

Lo'ak had asked what was wrong with his brother, but she didn't say anything to her youngest son. It wasn't her place to tell him Neteyam's issues. He'll tell when he's ready.. However, Lo'ak found that bullshit, and just went back to his room. At that time Tsireya and Rotxo went home for the night, since it was a school night.

Neytiri worries for her son— both her sons at that matter. Jake is tough on the teenagers, a little too tough on them. Lo'ak is seen as the "troubled child" even though he only makes t mistakes. Mistakes help people grow, but her husband obviously forgets that. It happens so often as well.

It's sad.

Neytiri knows it's sad. It makes Lo'ak sad, even though he tries to hide it. Neytiri has to keep on having many conversations with her husband about it, but he'll stop for a while before going back to his antics. Jake isn't abusive by any means.

Though, he isn't the best parent at times.. Neytiri knows why. Neytiri knows that her husband was trying his best, but it was hard being on different medications for PTSD. The side effects are probably the main problem.

Like I was saying. Then Neteyam has to be perfect at all times.. He can't do no wrong, he has to be the lead example for his siblings, but that is clearly causing issues between her two sons.  Anyway, Neteyam had to be the example, had to follow every single rule, had to get first in everything, had to get good grades, had to do so much that a teenager shouldn't be doing. Neteyam never complained about it though. Even if it pains him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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