Author's Note

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Hi there, Camilla Andrea here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short story collection. As mentioned in the story description, these are my attempts to rewrite the stories I have crafted in my younger years. Copies of those stories were already lost because I hadn't really thought of saving them somewhere salvageable (I thought my old laptop full of viruses would be accessible forever), but I had an inkling of how the stories went. 

This short story collection is entitled as such because these were crafted at different stages of my life. Some of the stories were laid out problematically, so I also see this as my chance to rectify those, especially because we outgrow our old beliefs and, hopefully, improve into a better person.

I haven't edited this work yet, so this is still a rough draft. I hope to have a cleaner version after all the short stories have been told. By then, I hope to have eliminated most of the grammatical errors and plot holes there might be.

I hope you'll get to enjoy this collection!

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