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"Well, we can always go to Rome?" I asked her, taking a drink. She coughed in shock, putting down her glass to stare wide-eyed at me. I patiently waited as she gathered herself before smirking yet again at the dumbfounded look on her face. "Rome? Us? How the hell will we get to Rome?" She asked quickly. "With the private jet of course." I told her, as if it was obvious. "PRIVATE JET?!" She screeched before apologizing at my wince.

"Yes, a bloody private jet, as if I would fly anything else." I rolled my eyes at the thought of flying with other people. The place would sooner be filled with corpses than me ever willingly flying on second class. "How much money do you have again? Because you're just saying this as if it's a fact and not a thought" She mused out, rolling her eyes and flopping backwards on the bed. "That's because it is a fact love, it is and will always be a fact" I corrected her before finishing the blood, deciding it was time to just settle for the night. "Okay now it's time to sleep now princess, we do have a busy day tomorrow" I told her, before getting up to leave the room.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Caroline asked, sitting up from where she was laying down. "The guest room love, there is more than one room here." I turned around to tell her, frowning in confusement at the dismay on her face. "You're not sleeping in here?" She asked softly, I don't think she meant for me to hear her, but I obviously did and I couldn't help the raised brow. "Darling, if you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask." I teased, making her blush, before she decided that throwing one of the pillows at me was the best course of action. It was easy to dodge, but nonetheless, I really wasn't expecting to have a pillow thrown at me, especially one of my satin pillows.

"I have more class than that! I'm not some slut that sleeps with everyone that catches her eye! I'm not-" She began, her face contorted in anger. "I wasn't suggesting that you were Caroline. I wouldn't demean you like that, I was merely teasing" I explained to her, reaching down to pick up the pillow off the floor before making my way to her. I threw the pillow on the bed before leaning down, one of my hands propped on the headboard behind her head, so that we face to face. "You're not a slut darling nor will I ever claim you to be one, and I assure you I will take great pleasure in ripping apart the bastards who planted that ridiculous statement in your head, you're much more than that" I told her, pushing her hair out of her face with my free hand, making her sigh softly before closing her eyes.

"...sorry... I didn't mean to.. explode like that, I-" She tried to explain herself, before I gently pushed her, making her lay back on to the bed, my hand now beside her head, my other free hand reaching for the covers that covered her legs. "I don't need an explanation, nor should you have to explain, trust me I understand." I finished, gazing down at her, getting ready to get up to leave again. "Stay, please.. not for that, just." I sighed softly at the vulnerable expression on her face, before getting into the bed beside her, her scooting over to make space for me. I got comfortable only for her to scoot closer to me, placing her head upon my chest. She hummed in content before closing her eyes, all the while I wondered what the hell I was doing. Deciding that was a problem for future me, I leaned over to take the light off, before running my hand through her hair. Twenty minutes later, the sound of her soft snores and the slow beating of her heart, was enough for me to know she was asleep. It would've been the best time to leave, to just pretend that all of this never happened, but alas some part of me was weak and instead of leaving, I stayed.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon, with the way my thoughts were running amuck in my head, so I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and looked over the emails I missed. There wasn't really anything important in there, so with a sigh I closed the app before opening my messages, humming in confusion at seeing over fifty messages from Klaus, with the additional missed twenty calls from him. I really didn't want to read all 50 messages, so I decided calling him was the best choice.

YOU HOLD MY LOVE ⌞ 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 ⌝Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora