Untitled Part 38

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Chapter 3319 First Dimension Rules!ADVERTISEMENT

With his cultivation reaching the peak of the fourth realm and the superdimensional rules reaching 70,000, Ye Tian is now fully capable of attacking the fifth realm.

However, he still had to wait, he wanted to break into the tenth level of the Ten-Dimensional Heavenly Gate Tower.

If he breaks into the Tenth Heaven Pass, he may be able to obtain all the inheritance resources of the Tianwei realm master. What a fortune that is!

Moreover, although the Tianwei realm master is only in the fifth realm and not the sixth realm, his strength is no less than that of the ordinary sixth realm.

After all, the Lord of Tianwei Realm is the only one recorded in this territory who can be said to be invincible in the fifth realm. The wealth opportunities he left behind are definitely no less than the wealth of the ordinary sixth realm.

Any inheritance place of the Wumu Realm Lord has a huge amount of wealth and treasures, so the wealth of the Weiwei Realm Lord is equal to all the resources of all ten inheritance places in the Wumu Realm.

Therefore, he could not "June 43" give up this opportunity.

"Breaking through to the fifth realm cannot solve the problem, and you may not be able to survive the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death. But if you obtain the inheritance of the master of the Tianwei Realm, then there is hope to survive the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death and even protect the human race."

Ye Tian secretly said.

Now, he felt that he was about to create the supreme secret of the four realms.

Time flies.

Another 50,000 extra-dimensional epochs of time have passed.

Nowadays, the news of the multi-dimensional catastrophe of death has even spread. Many small forces know about it, and they are all terrified, making the territory of No. 4000 extremely chaotic.

After all, many creatures know that they are going to die, so they are naturally extremely crazy.

As a result, there was killing everywhere, and there were even many extreme Fourth Realm plunderers plundering all resources, just to give themselves a little more hope of attacking the Fifth Realm.

Ye Tian didn't care about these things. He practiced with peace of mind and tried to create his own Four Chapters School.


Finally this day.

Ye Tian couldn't stop laughing at the inheritance place of Lord Wu Mu.

"Hahaha, I finally created the supreme secret of the four realms!"

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