Four Teens and a Ghost

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In hindsight, maybe Kat should've kept her mouth shut instead of immediately blowing Casper's cover. As soon as she yelled out his name, the car's movements became more sporadic. It was a good thing the road was currently empty. Otherwise, they would be knocking over cars left and right.

A pair of eyes materialized out of thin air, followed by the rest of Casper. He sat between Zach and Vic, with his arms stretched out to awkwardly hold onto the wheel. He looked over his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Amber's jaw dropped open. She made a few sputtering sounds before going limp in her seat, completely unconscious. Casper winced, then smiled sheepishly as he eyed everyone else in the car. To Kat's surprise, there were no immediate screams or gasps. It had to be a new record.

Vic wriggled away and shrank back as far away from Casper as he could manage, while Zach stayed frozen in place. Kat took Amber by the shoulders, sat her upright, and buckled her seatbelt. Amber's head swayed back and forth like a ragdoll as she slumped over in the seat. With their lives in the hands of Casper's driving skills, it was a necessary precaution.

Kat ignored everyone else to cut to the chase. "How did you find me?!" Casper opened his mouth but snapped it shut when Kat cut back in, "you followed me again?!"

"Sorry! I was just-"

"Eyes on the road!" Vic screamed.

Casper swerved just in time before the car could collide with a semi-truck. They had finally merged onto the highway. Vic finally came to his senses, took hold of the wheel, and slammed on the gas. Casper was sent flying backwards, just behind Kat and Amber's seats.

"Where are we going, again?" Vic asked breathlessly.

"The museum," Zach responded determinedly, and without hesitation.

Kat gripped the armrests of her chair to steady herself. "Why the museum?"

Zach didn't say anything. He didn't even turn to look at her. Kat felt her heartbeat thump louder in her ears as her mind replayed previous events of the evening. After the situation with the black flame candle, a switch had been flipped. Zach was more quiet, and his expression was dark.

"Zach," Kat said, "what's happening?"

"I tried to tell you that something was off!" Casper exclaimed.

Kat whipped around in her seat to glare at him. "When?!"

"I-Well- Everything's been a little fuzzy lately. . ."

Kat cursed under her breath and held on as the car continued hurtling down the road. After rounding another two corners, the museum came into view. The street was lined with police cars and flashing lights. Zach sat up in his seat.

"The-the police-" Vic stammered, "what're the cops doing here?" He glanced frantically between Kat and Zach. "What the hell is going on?"

Zach ignored him. "Park behind the gas station."

Vic gulped and turned the wheel to pull in at the storefront of the station. Once the car came to a stop, he held his breath and glanced back at Zach, expecting further instruction. Zach silently unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

"Where does he think he's going?" Casper demanded. His question echoed the exact same as Kat's thoughts.

Amber stirred in her seat. She mumbled something unintelligible while her eyes blinked open. She froze as she quickly regained her memory, then quickly shut her eyes again. "Harvey, do not tell me your ghost-pet-thing is here."

Kat groaned, "god! Let's just get this over with-" she shoved Amber, forcing her to face Casper. "This is Casper-" Kat motioned between the two, "Casper, this is-"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 13 ⏰

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How Curiosity Killed the Cat and the Ghost Was Brought BackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang