Part 1, The Coronation

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Cosmodia scrambled out of bed. She slipped her gown on over her undergarments. Today was her big day! Her coronation was at 8:00, so she had to hurry! She walked out of her room, walking to the west wing where her sister, Galaxia, slept in. She knocked on her younger sister's door. "Galaxia? Are you awake or did you over sleep?" She called teasingly. 

The door opened and Cosmodia was face to face with her sister. "Oh! I don't want you to become queen!" She dove into Cosmodia's arms.

"Why not?" Cosmodia patted Galaxia's head. "Cause' then you'll be too busy to hunt stars with me!" She cried. "We can still hunt stars together." Cosmodia turned Galaxia's chin up so she could look at her face. "Really?" She looked up at Cosmodia with teary eyes. 

"Yes, now hurry along and get dressed." Cosmodia led her sister back into her room. Galaxia nodded her head and closed the door to get changed. Cosmodia left her sister's wing and headed downstairs. People were already pouring in the palace, either setting up for the coronation or asking when it would start. After a half hour Galaxia came down in her purple dress to announce that the coronation would start soon. 

After another half hour it finally started. As Crestonian tradition the woman carries the crown down the walk on her head, so that's what Cosmodia prepared for. She fastened her corset and carefully placed the crown on her head. She slipped on her black dress over her gown. "Just like my mother." She said aloud.

Galaxia came running into her room. "It's started! They're waiting for their queen!" She said.  Cosmodia nodded and walked out of the room. She went downstairs to the gathering crowd. After about an hour it was time for her crowning part of the coronation. The crowd grew silent as she walked down the path.

Before she could even bow to receive her crowning, red smoke grew heavy in the air. Cosmodia took a step back to see none other than a demon standing in front of her.

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