Chapter 13: Okay, for real this time.

Start from the beginning

"I understand, and I agree. The same is extended to you; however I do hope that we will at least get to vaguely know each other. I mean, I feel like it'd be a little bit awkward living with a complete stranger right? So... here's to acquaintances?"

She abruptly extended her arm stiffly, hand out for a handshake. Ink shrugged and prepared to change his lines slightly. It was definitely really entertaining this way, and he enjoyed plot twists. He cleared his throat.

"You may now shake the hand of the Bride."

Killer snorted back a laugh, earning a quick glare from Nightmare. Nightmare extended his hand and shook her hand. He couldn't help but feel a bit surprised at how fragile her hand felt in his. They both quickly dropped their hands, clearing their throats awkwardly. Fresh slid over and handed them the rings, much to Error's disdain.

Nightmare examined his as he slid it on. It was a solid black band; simple but classy. He nodded slightly in satisfaction at Dream's choice. Dawn picked up her own ring and slid it on, marveling at the strange weight. She hadn't really been one to wear rings, so it would be an interesting thing to get used to wearing.

She took a moment to admire the design. It was a thin silver band, with one diamond in the middle. The gem was in the shape of a heart, With leaves wrapping around to hold it in place. On closer inspection, the whole band was engraved with leafy patterns. Dawn smiled as she admired it; the design was really great.

She glanced back at her bridesmaids, most of which were smiling. Tsunami looked like she was ready to march into battle, but that wasn't really a surprise. She turned to scan the audience and couldn't help but be embarrassed when she noticed her family having big reactions.

Time was wiping just a few tears from her eyes, but she never cried. Ever. So, that was shocking. Regret just nodded her head in approval, and Dawn was relieved that at least one of them was normal. However, next to regret, a certain dimly glowing figure was having a reaction worthy of a soap opera.

Memory was sobbing her eyes out, a mound of tissues on either side of her. She was saying something to the other guests, but it just sounded like garbled nonsense. Dawn felt like digging a hole and crawling in it for the next century. Luckily, her guests weren't the only ones with big reactions.

Nightmare, standing right next to her, was wishing he could dig to the core of the earth and jump in. Really, he should have seen this coming. He had known Dream for his whole life, with all that twin jazz. He had been too distracted keeping everyone else in line to make sure Dream wouldn't do anything.

Dream was sitting there crying up a storm just like Memory. The two might as well be in a competition for who could be the most dramatic crier at the wedding. Objectively, Dream was worse than Memory. He had his phone out and was showing everyone pictures from when the two were teenagers.

What made it even worse was the seating arrangement; Dream was sitting right in front of Reaper and Geno; and Reaper was having a field day with these pictures. The guy couldn't keep a straight face for more than three seconds. When Geno noticed Nightmare looking over in horror, he shot an apologetic smile over to Nightmare.

Dawn cleared her throat and gestured to the exit, face flushed in embarrassment from her family. Nightmare, similarly embarrassed, understood and nodded, offering her his arm, which she took. The two began walking back down the aisle, followed by the rest of the procession in the opposite order that they had come in. As they walked, Dawn quietly spoke under her breath.

"The guests are all going to stay in the main foyer, but the photographer is going to need us to do some shoots now. I know it's weird to have pictures for a wedding that's purely business, but just go along with it. It'll get complicated if we don't."

Nightmare gave a small nod of agreement, and the two stopped to wait for everyone to come back in. They had gotten married in front of a beautiful lake with flowers, so of course that's where the photographer would want to take the pictures. As everyone filed in, Nightmare dragged her back outside before anyone could start a conversation with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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