Chapter 11: It's time... Oh wow

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A/N: it's a bittt incorrect but I've never been to a wedding and I only thought to google halfway in oops

Nightmare and his boys were eventually all suited up. It took a lot longer than anyone had anticipated; especially because Killer kept messing his up. The guy couldn't stand still for more than two seconds; which was unfortunate when it came to the fact that Lust literally needed him to stand still so he could get the measurements right for the alterations.

Still, it wasn't miserable. It was actually quite nice to all be getting ready together, even when it came to accidentally messing up their white button up shirts with food; Horror claims that it was Killer's fault for scaring him, but even if it was they were all very lucky that Lust always brought spares.

Nightmare had originally planned to go out and roam around for a bit, but after his encounter with Tsunami? He'd rather stay inside, away from the crazy in-laws. Time seemed to fly by as he constantly had to break up fights between the boys. Before he knew it, there was a knock at the door. Pulling apart a bickering Killer and Dust, he turned to face the door.

"Doors open. You can come in."

The door creaked open and Dream poked his head inside. He glanced over at Cross and did a small wave, smiling at him. Cross looked like his brain was short-circuiting, Nightmare scowled at him before turning to glare at his brother. Seriously, did they have to do this to him today? At this rate they'd take over and get married today instead.

"Hey! Well, first of all, you all look absolutely stunning. More importantly, it's time to get ready. I'm surprised you managed to stay in a room for a couple hours brother. Did you smuggle some paperwork in here with you or something?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the joke. Nightmare however couldn't help but curse his luck at the fact that he hadn't thought of that when he was leaving this morning. Then it processed. It was time for the ceremony already? It felt surreal; so much time had passed in an instant. He wasn't sure how much having a legal roommate would change things, but it would be interesting for sure.

Nightmare stood up, straightened his tux and nodded to the boys. He knew the groom had to wait up front, then the Groomsmen would walk down the aisle. He just hoped that they wouldn't mess up awfully the second they were away from his supervision. Killer shot him a thumbs-up back, which wasn't really that reassuring.

Nightmare sighed and walked towards the door, his boys all preparing themselves. He shot them one final death glare as an excited Dream tugged aggressively on his sleeve.

"Don't mess this up. There will be consequences."

With that bone chilling statement, the room went silent and Nightmare closed the door. Everyone stood still for a second before all silently turning to Killer. He looked around and groaned, realizing why he had become the center of attention.

"Guys, please it'll be fine. You don't trust me at all do you?"

Dust snorted, leaning against the wall. He raised an invisible eyebrow at Killer, almost as if to question that the other was really saying that.

"Of course not. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror?"

As Nightmare was dragged away by Dream, he heard a loud clamor coming from the room. He groaned and rubbed the bridge of his "nose". He was doomed. The boys were going to make his first impression look like he was a fool. There was nothing he could do about it as he dejectedly followed Dream outside.

Finally, the pair stopped at the altar. Dream pushed him into his place, occasionally shifting him so he would have the perfect position. After a few turns squinting at his brother and angling his feet, he stepped back with an obnoxiously large grin plastered on his face.

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