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A/N: this isn't plot relevant, but I had to finally write some cute couple things before the slow burn kills me guys. Enjoy this one shot!

Dawn was woken up by a lot of heat leaving her back and the sinking of the mattress as a weight left it. She groggily sat up to glare at Nightmare, who had been trying to sneak away unannounced. She glanced at the clock. 6am? Really? Nightmare didn't have any reason to be up at this awful hour, and Dawn wished she wasn't.

He at least looked somewhat apologetic, if not annoyed that she'd woken up. What was he expecting though? You can't exactly fall asleep cuddling someone and then just leave suddenly, expecting them to stay asleep. She crossed her arms and very sleepily stuck her tongue out at him. He chuckled and flicked her head.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early for you to be up right now. I have things to do, but you don't have anything going on. Just sleep in for a couple more hours okay?"

Dawn pouted and reached out her arms towards him. This was a very clear signal that no, he could not leave, and she wanted her cuddle buddy back. Nightmare just rolled his eye and walked over to ruffle her hair and leave. Dawn was not having it, but she was much too tired to get up and force him to stay.

She drifted back to sleep, still looking like an angry kitten. Nightmare smiled slightly and quietly closed the door. He headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before taking it with him to his office area. He opened the door and walked in, not even bothering to flick the lights on. He knew exactly where everything was after all.

He sat down in his seat, and took a huge gulp of water before placing the cup down on an unnecessarily bright coaster that Dawn had made him. Booting up his computer, he pulled out a pair of blue light glasses from the middle desk drawer and put them on.

Once he typed in his password, he began clicking and typing away as if there was no tomorrow. Occasionally he'd stop to write things down on a notepad beside him, but he rarely did so. He was glued to his computer as if the world outside didn't exist.

That may be why he didn't notice how many hours passed until he heard the click of the bedroom door opening. He quickly shut down all his tabs and turned off the computer. He stood up, stretching and popping a few bones before leaving the office.

Dawn, who had entered the kitchen, turned around. Nightmare couldn't help but think she was beautiful. Sure, she wasn't wearing anything nice; just a simplistic white nightgown. Still, she was utterly stunning to him. He hated to admit it, but Dream really was right when he said Nightmare owed him all the favors in the world for setting up his marriage.

Dawn grinned and waved slightly at him. She had her hair pulled back, and she had gotten ingredients out to make breakfast. He sighed in the comfort of a routine and made his way over as Dawn was mixing what seemed to be pancake batter. Nightmare walked over behind her to see what she was doing.

He leaned down to rest his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist. It looked like she was making pancake batter, but it was pink. Maybe strawberry batter? Dawn always had a sweet tooth, and she also had quite the fondness for strawberries. Dawn reached up to flick Nightmare in the head gently, which got a small laugh out of him.

"I see what you're doing here. You're trying to steal some of the batter again aren't you? Well not this morning mister! You are going to have to wait until I cook the pancakes! You aren't allowed to lick any off the spoon; or your finger this time. I've caught on to your little loophole."

Nightmare hummed, seemingly deep in thought. Suddenly, he dipped his pinky finger into the batter bowl and poked a huge glob of it onto Dawn's cheek. She paused for a second before bursting out into loud, genuine laughter. She craned her neck to face him as best as she could.

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