It's okay 'cus I know your coming home with me tonight.

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The title <33333

t/w swearing

Hearth looked around the room, bored. He spotted Blitzen chatting with some other dwarves in the corner and made his way over to him, weaving through the crowd easily.

He touched Blitzen's shoulder and got the cinematic zing that you do when you touch the one that your heart belongs to.

Blitz turned around and shot him a quick smile before returning to the conversation unfolding before him. Hearthstone looked at each person reading each of their lips one at a time.

Yeah, oh my god!

How did you get a hold of that fabric?!

I have been looking for that sheet of silk for ages.

I can never find it in that color!

Hearth grinned internally, Blitzen had found his people. There was nothing more that Hearth could have wished for.

He settled his eyes on a particular dwarf, she was standing a bit out of the group, sort of out the conversation. Occasionally dropping something like Yeah!, Oh my god yes!, trying to make it look like she knew what she was talking about.

Hearthstone's heart felt a tiny twang of pity for her, he wondered why she was still here, there were plenty of people at the party she could have gone to. Finally she piped up.

Hey so like do you make dresses?  

Blitzen's eyes shone.

Oh my gods, YES! That's like my area of expertise!

Do you think I would fit a dress you could make?

Blitzen scanned her over, analyzing as he often did when someone asked him something of the sort.

Maybe a fishtail or a short little- no definitely a fishtail. But it's a shame I don't have your measurements. You dont happen to have them orr..?

No sorry, but I could come over and you could check me out..

Blitzen froze mid laugh. His face contorted obviously disgusted by the thought.

Actually I'm gay..

That's fine I've bagged 'gays' before.

That's my boyfriend actually. 

He pulled Hearth's hand. Hearth looked calmly around. Some people shot him looks of respect, obviously ridiculed by how he wasn't pissed off.

Ok. And..?

People in the group awkwardly shuffled around, scuffing their feet.

And that MEANS that your prissy ass won't be seeing my apartment any time soon.

He turned his head around and carried on talking to the group who were relived to have that dealt with, though the girl still didn't look fazed.

Oh but I bet he doesn't look as good as I do. 

Did you not hear me the first time?

Come on you have to admit that much.

Hearthstone's mouth turned upwards into a smile.

You wanna hear the truth you delusional little bitch?

Oh I'm sure me and your 'boyfriend' would both love to.

He IS the Mona Lisa in my eyes, He is the Earth to my world, And he will always beat you, or ANYONE who tries to take me away from him. Do you read that?

The group let out whoops and someone pushed the girl Hearth's way. The girl looked up at him indignantly and Hearthstone grinned at her.

She looked at him incredulously.


How what.

How are not even fazed?

Oh it's okay, 'cus I know he's coming home with me tonight.

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