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'Hearth, Look at me please' Blitz signed whilst he spoke 'Please man it's no big deal. Honestly it doesn't matter if your gay, you know I'm gay too right?' Hearth shot his head up eyes filled with shock and was that.. Love- No Blitzen was getting delusional, really. How come you've never told me?!

'I kinda thought you already knew' Blitzen smiled sheepishly.

-Yeah, If I already knew I wouldn't have eaten myself alive for falling for a 'straight' guy- Hearth thought sourly -Not that it matters, he would never choose me anyway.-

'Hearth?' Blitz snapped his fingers 'Earth to Hearthstone'

Sorry was thinking something.. Stupid really.

'Alright, we should be making our way to the Chase Space really, I think if we're late one more time for games night Samirah may actually kill us'

If Alex doesn't first

Blitzen grinned.



Cries of protest ricocheted through the room. 'Someone has to stop him, do a 5+ or something!' Alex cried out. Magnus pecked her on the cheek 'No can do my love, I got nothin'. Mallory mimed throwing up. 'Sorry Mack you're third wheel without Halfborn.' Blitzen joked. 

Hearth's face burned bright green and he thought he must have looked bright enough to be considered a Christmas light. Blitzen was suggesting they were a couple. Blitzen. Was. Suggesting. They. Were. A. Couple. He mentally slapped himself, no, it's a joke, that's all it is.

They played on and Alex did in fact end up winning to Hearth's dismay. Alex did not hesitate to rub it in everyone's face. Blitzen looked at Hearth still counting up his points and said 'I may have to kill you on Hearth's behalf Alex.' he solemnly looked at Alex before bursting out laughing at the startled look on her face. Hearth felt hot green color rising up his neck and lifted his scarf higher grateful for it's coverage.

I think if you tried to kill Alex we'd end up with one dead svartalf and many many Expando Ducks scattered everywhere.

Blitzen protested whilst everyone laughed, 'No I swear I coul- ' 

'Swear you could what, B?' Alex asked eyebrows raised. Magnus laughed nervously at the tension that crackled like lightning between the two. Blitzen looked down and mumbled something inaudible and Alex looked satisfied. Hearth suddenly felt angry with her, who was she to tell Blitzen what he could and couldn't do?

But I would be able to. He met her gaze with a warning that was clear, mess with him and she messed with Hearth, who was not a good enemy to have in battle. 'I have no doubt you would be able to' she said with a curt nod to show she understood.

Everything went back to normal after that, everything but Blitzen that is, Hearth kept catching him staring at Hearth, almost boring a hole into him. He squirmed and tried to ignore the thoughts that kept worming there way into his mind driving him insane. -It's over, He knows now, It's all over, He knows how in love yooouu arrrreee.- 

He felt about ready enough to combust when Blitzen got up looking dazed, 'I- I- I'm getting water' he stammered and dashed off to the kitchen.

Almost the second he was gone Mallory said 'Well?'


Mallory got to her feet and pulled me up to my feet by the scarf 'Are you blind now too?! Get you ass down to the kitchen and TELL Blitzen how you feel! That's an order.' Notice how she said order, not question or statement, I didn't have a choice.

I walked down the corridor to the kitchen and opened the door, scared to see what was behind it. I found Blitzen curled in a ball rocking back and for his body racking with silent sobs, I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder letting him know I was there. He quickly righted himself standing up and wiping his eyes 'Heart- Oh- Hh- How long have you been here?'

Not long I promise

'Okay, that's- That's good I guess, um Hearth?'


'I need to tell you something, I'm really sorry if this changes how you see me and I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore after this-'

It's ok, I knew you could never love me back I sighed I just didn't want to face the truth I guess

'Hearth, no! That's the complete opposite, I love you so SO much it physically hurts me how badly I love you, and I could never tell you an-'

I cut him off pulling his shirt to me and gently kissing his mouth, pouring my heart and soul into this one moment, I needed this to be real, not to just be one of the imagined scenes I kept playing in my head. We pulled apart and Blitzen buried his face into my jacket, and lay there so long I started to think he fell asleep, He had in fact fallen asleep. I picked him up Bridal style and prayed to the gods my friends wouldn't ask questions. Blitzen buried his face into my neck making my face tinge green as I walked back down the hallway to the living room which I had to pass through as my ever so good luck would have it.

The room went silent when I walked in and I blushed so hard I must have unlocked a new shade of dark green, I shook my head furiously at Samirah's opened mouth and she shut it again. I walked to the hallway on the other side and found a spare bedroom which I laid Blitzen down on.

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