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In a quaint town nestled by the sea,

Where whispers of love danced with glee,

There lived a pair, in sweet embrace,

Bound by love's ethereal grace.

Underneath the azure sky, they first met, 

A chance encounter, destiny's bet. 

Eyes locked in a silent vow, hearts set, 

Their love blossomed, a bloom they couldn't forget.

Through fields of laughter and rivers of tears, 

They walked hand in hand, conquering fears. 

In the garden of love, they planted dreams, 

Watered with hope, under moonlit beams.

She was a flower, gentle and fair,

With laughter that filled the salty air.

He was a sailor, brave and bold,

With stories of the ocean to unfold.

Their love bloomed like a rose in bloom,

Defying distance, dispelling gloom.

Through letters sent on wings of hope,

They navigated life's ebb and slope.

As time unfurled its silent scroll,

Their love grew deeper, a steadfast goal.

Each moment shared, each tender kiss,

A testament to love's sweet bliss.

The day had come, their hearts aligned,

In the chapel, their destinies entwined.

But fate, cruel fate, had a different scheme, 

On the eve of their union, a silent scream. 

A moment's lapse, a twist of fate,

And he was gone, leaving her to wait.

With tearful eyes and shattered dreams,

She clung to hope's diminishing beams.

As the night descends, and stars softly gleam, 

A spirit wanders through the realm unseen. 

Seeking solace, seeking peace, it roams, 

To the one left waiting, in the church's domes.

"Dearest love, in this realm beyond,

Where whispers fade and memories fond,

Know that my heart beats ever true,

In the winds that caress, in the ocean's blue.

Though I may not stand by your side,

My love for you will never hide.

In every star that lights the night,

I'll be your beacon, your guiding light.

Forgive me, my love, for leaving you so,

But in your heart, let our love grow.

Hold onto our memories, cherish each day,

For in love's embrace, I'll forever stay.

And when the winds of time shall cease to blow,

In eternity's embrace, together we'll glow.

Until then, my love, remember me true,

For my soul belongs forever to you."

With trembling hands and tear-stained cheek,

She penned his words, so tender and meek.

And as she placed the letter upon her breast,

A whisper of solace, a moment of rest.

For though he had departed from mortal sight,

Their love endured, a beacon of light.

In the echoes of their love's sweet song,

They found solace, together, forever strong.

ONE SHOTS - to the moon and backOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora