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what if

active now

Do you remember last night?

um hey and yeah vaguely

Do you mind saying what exactly you remember?

well i remeber meeting you and then going into the photobooth
then i danced with you
then theres kinda a gap
people were videoing me
i took shots
then nothing
then i woke up next to you this morning and ran out of what i'm guessing is your house

So you understand we.....????


I'm sorry by the way

for what lol
dont be sorry i enjoyed it

You remember it?

mostly idk it's blurry
it'll come back to me tho

The fans know I mean there's videos going round of us

i haven't seen any

Maybe check Tiktok

alright one sec


what do you wanna do about it?

Well normally when there's rumours me and my brothers don't really address anything
Matts talked about dating rumours once only because it was getting out of hand

mmm fair enough
but they have evidence this time no?

Yeah they do
I have an idea which is wild

good morning to you too!
my names yasmine what about you?
oh yeah my faveourites colours purple!

I'm sorryy but hear me out


What if we carried it on?

im lost

Look I'm getting asked non-stop if I have a girlfriend or I'm being shipped with someone
I noticed in your comments there's some creepy guy who I assume is your ex
If we 'fake date' then everyone and ur ex will back off

yeah i guess you're right
idk tho

We won't need to be all couple in private
Maybe go out on a 'date' every two weeks and post each other a bit
Do a collab or two until we 'break up'
Then everyone will back off because we were just in a relationship
It adds up

okk im listening
how would we have started dating though?
cus we must already be a couple since we were being so touchy last night

You became friends with Nick and he introduced us a while back?

but then nick would know

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