One Happy Family (1995)*

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I chuckled and smiled at them. My one happy family loves each other so much. As I washed the dishes I listened to Kurt and Frances laughing at the show. It was one of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard. Then the phone rang.


"Hey Amy! It's EJ! I'm pregnant!" said EJ.

"No shit! How does Dave feel about this?" I asked.

"Umm, he doesn't know yet. You've been my best friend for years, it was only right you knew first," EJ answered. I was nearly floored. I knew about Dave and her's child before Dave.

"You definitely need to tell him. Cook his favorite meal or take him to his favorite restaurant and tell him," I suggested.

"Okay, I'll call you later and tell you his reaction," EJ said.

"Okay. I miss you, you should come over here soon," I said.

"I will soon. I miss you too," said EJ before she hung up.

Kurt walked in and told me that Frances fell asleep on the couch and asked who called. 

"EJ called. Her and Dave are having a kid. Dave doesn't know yet so don't call him until EJ tells me she told him," I explained.

"That's funny since we're going to start trying," Kurt laughed. "But, I'm happy for them."

When Frances woke up we went to the park for her to play with other kids to make sure she'll be social in school. Kurt wore his light blue sunglasses, a Green Day tee, and black jeans. I wore my hair in a messy bun, a Green Day tee matching Kurt's, and black sweatpants.

"Mama, swing me!" Little Bean yelled out.

"Okay, honey," I yelled back.

I pushed her on the swing and watched her smile brightly at big sisters with their little siblings. She was so excited to have a little brother or sister I couldn't help crying. When she realized I was crying, she asked me to stop, got off the swing, and hugged me.

"I love you, Mama. Why are you crying?" she said.

"I have the sweetest future big sister ever. These are happy tears," I told her.

"I can't wait for a little brother or sister!" Frances exclaimed.

"I know, honey. It's getting late, do you want to go get some Chinese, go home, watch a movie, and get in bed?" I asked.

"Okay!" she chirped and then we went to where Kurt was standing.

I kissed his cheek, Frances said 'ew', and turned her head away. Kurt and I laughed a little. She was so cute when she did that.

"Let's go get some Chinese food, go home, watch a movie, and go to bed. Does that sound good to you?" I say. 

"Yeah, that sounds fine. What are we going to watch?" Kurt replied.

"Casper? I hear it's wonderful for children," I suggest.

"What do you think, Little Bean?" Kurt asked Frances.

"That's Mama's name for me! I wanna watch it!" Frances said.

I had to laugh. She did not like her own father calling her Little Bean, That name was only for me to call her. Frances knew that, I've called her that since she was born.

"So I can't call you that but Mama can?" Kurt asked. He was trying to get her to let him call her that.

"Only Mama."

"Yeah, only Mama," I joined in laughing.

"Jesus Christ, okay," Kurt said putting his hands up.

Frances and I laughed and we all walked back to our grey Subaru. I buckled Frances in her car seat as Kurt asked us what Frances was hugging me for.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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