One Happy Family (1995)*

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"I can't believe it's been two years since Courtney killed herself," I said while looking at the news paper.

"It's sad she won't get to see Frances grow up, but she probably wasn't going to anyway. Doing drugs and tours back then," Kurt replied.

"You're right. Should I go and wake Frances up?" I asked.

"Yeah, we need to start eating breakfast as a family," Kurt said.

Just as I got to the top of the stairs, my Little Bean started to yell "mama" and "daddy".  I walked into her room and kissed her little head and walked over to her window and opened the curtains to let in the light. Frances's arms were up in the air ready for me to pick her up and bring her downstairs.

"Good morning, Little Bean! How's my sweet girl?" I say with my smile beaming.

"Good! Good!" Frances says in her small baby voice.

"I take it as you slept good too?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"I sleep good!"

"Slept, sweetheart, slept," I correct.

"Slept!" she chirped excitedly.

"Good job honey!"

I brought her downstairs where Kurt was making scrambled eggs. She looked at her dad so excited to see him and smelled the eggs. Kurt turned around and blew on an egg to cool it down for her to try.

"Is it good?" he asked Frances.

"It's good!" she exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh because she was so cute. Made me want to get pregnant with my own child. Of, course, I consider Frances my own since I'm raising her. But, I want to experience it all. The pregnancy, birth, and everything else. Then Frances could be a sister. 

I sat Frances down in her chair and gave her her eggs and pulled Kurt to the living room.

"I want to have a child. Frances would be a big sister and I'd love to experience being pregnant and giving birth. But, I also want you onboard with this," I explained.

"Then, we'll do it. Frances is young, wouldn't be a huge age gap, and she'll be starting school next year so you can take care of the child easier during the day," Kurt replied. "We'll start tonight."

When we walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table Frances was eating her last bite of egg. She looked up at us and smiled happily. Kurt looked at me, clearly wanting me to ask her if she wants a little sibling.

"Little Bean, we want to ask you something." I start, "Do you want to be a big sister?"

"Yeah!" she squealed.

"Okay. I do have to tell you that it will be awhile before your little sibling is here," I explained.

"Don't forget that the baby grows inside Mommy's belly," Kurt added.

Frances reached out and touched my belly. A sweet smile beamed across her little face as her tiny fingers spread out like spider legs. She looked so innocent and sweet. Kurt was tearing up seeing his little daughter love me as if I was the one who gave birth to her.

"I don't feel my little sister's hand," Frances pouted.

"The baby is not there yet. We wanted to ask you first before the baby gets put in there," I said.

"Oh, okay!" Frances replied. "Can I watch Dexter?"

"Yes ma'am you can," Kurt said as he lifted her off her seat. "In fact, I think I'll watch Dexter with you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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