5) Please, Stay!

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I cleared my voice, trying to ease some of the awkward tension in the room.

Which apparently only I felt, because not even seconds later, his deep voice spoke.

"I don't like when you call me that," he said, pouting slightly, which was honestly adorable.

"Call you what?" I asked, confused by what he was referring to.

"Mack, I don't like when you call me Mack," he said grumpily, while crossing his muscular arms over his chest, his pout now even more visible.

"Why don't you like me calling you Mack, Its what your family calls you." I said, even more curious now.

"Thats exactly why," he muttered, getting frustrated at this point.

"Well I don't have any other nicknames for you," I said, making him raise an eyebrow.

"You don't?" He questioned, making me remember the fact that we were dating, so surely I should have other nicknames for him.

"I..I mean, of course I have other nicknames for you, since we're dating and all," I said quickly, whilst looking over at him nervously.

"But, I like calling you Mack better," I said, watching as he grunts in disapproval.

"Well I don't, so find another one." He said looking away from me, now pouting again, with his arms still crossed.

"W..what about Kenzie?" I stutter out, looking over at him to see if he approves or not.

When I got no response, I leaned over to him and touched his arm, whispering Kenzie, in his ear.

This action made him look over at me, surprisingly quick. And I took notice to how a light shade of pink, took over his face, and reached all the way to his ears.

"Kenzie?" I said again, questioningly this time.

"H..huh? Oh, yeah, I like that name," he stuttered out, blushing a deeper shade of red, and turning to look at anything but my smug face.

"Hmm, I think you like that name a lot," I said leaning closer to him.

"Don't you Kenzie," I said, this time whispering into his ear.

"U..uhh, I, u..umm," he stuttered out, facing me, and looking like a nervous mess. Which caused me to giggle at his antics.

"Im just messing with you," I said, making him pout.

"It's not funny," he said crossing his arms again, and turning away from me, jokingly.

"Well, I think it's pretty funny actually." I said cockily, making him turn to look at me.

"Hmph," he huffed, pouting even more now. Making me laugh again, this time much harder.

Once I finished laughing, and wiping a small tear that had rolled down my face from laughing so hard, I started getting up, telling him that visiting hours were about to be over pretty soon.

This made him reach over and pull me towards him, making me fall into his lap.

"Please don't go." He said to me, who was now straddling his lap.

"Baby, I have to." I said, trying to sound believable, hoping he didn't catch on to the way I almost gagged at calling him baby.

"Please, stay," he all but whined at me, pulling me into his chest, which knocked the air out of my lungs.

"I...cant," I huffed out, clearly out of breath. Which made him pull away from me, letting me take a moment to catch my breath.

"They wont let me stay here with you, but I promise I'll see you tomorrow." I said, now regretting my words.

"Promise," he asked, sticking his pinky finger up towards me.


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