The food is always good, much to Edwin's disappointment. People always ask his opinion, and when the food is always good all he can say is that the food is good. They get paid hundreds per charter but then they are forced to take their leisure time in the streets where the rich play too. The food is always good at the expense of the small tip they received. The food is always good, and so Edwin goes to talk to the head chef and ask for his local supplier.

"Well?" Audrey Wilson reaches an arm out for him. They are all huddled outside of the restaurant, and while the day was warm, the night air is whistling and brisk. Edwin wraps an arm around her as they begin to make their way to the first club.

"Not the guy I picked," Edwin pulls out his phone. "I'm texting Shells, asking if she can switch it while on anchor watch. Yeah yeah, Captain Shelly. What the fuck ever."

Audrey Wilson giggles, leaning her shoulder against him if for the briefest second. She's got three inches on him, but Edwin isn't the kind of man who gives a fuck about anything. Audrey Wilson spends enough time in the mirror to recognize a liar when she sees one. At least he's so arrogant he doesn't recognize Audrey Wilson for Marlene.

"Come on," Finn bends over, blocking August's path.

He gestures, arms stretched out behind him ready to catch him. August shakes his head. Joy drops her conversation with Lina and leaps onto Finn's back. He stumbles one step and then straightens, shrugging her up onto his back. Then, Finn starts to sprint. Joy shrieks, wrapping her arms around him tightly and laughing.

Audenzia, watching the scene, rolls her eyes. Ethan has his arms crossed over his chest too.

"Do they make painfully sweet candies? Or are people like them enough for that?"

Ethan kicks a rock on the road, "I think it's just sour candy."

"They are..." Audenzia trails off as Finn begins to turn, heading back to them. She plasters a smile on her face and waves.

Ethan pulls his eyes in tighter against himself. He only ever lets himself get paid to fake a smile. Here, he lets himself scowl.

The same expression shrouds Bellamy's face. He walks next to Devon and both of them cast a glance back toward the docks at the same time. Ophelia's Violet is hulking, but none of them can see it right now. Even on sturdy ground, Bellamy feels the hollowness of the deck beneath his feet. He would shout it until his voice went hoarse. If only he could talk to Shelly, even tonight since Devon is, for once, not on the ship conducting anchor watch or otherwise glued to her side. Bastard that he is, looking back at it too.

Devon doesn't like the ground either. He'd much rather be out of deck, staring at the waves, their crests and troughs, the steady rhythm of the sea being called by the moon, the salt and sand and stickiness of heat.

"Dev, think fast," Vic calls out.

Devon fumbles to catch his wallet. Vic laughs. She wraps an arm around August and pulls him in close just as Joy and Finn dart past from behind. Lina knows to move. She saw the throw coming, saw the grip of Vic before it touched August, and now she sees no one watching them on the streets. It's a kind feeling, a relief. Like a sprinkler in the grass on a hot summer day. Lina hasn't frolicked since she was a child. Now, she raises her hands, reaching them up to the starlit sky.

They get to the first bar, where Vic challenges everyone to shots. Edwin takes her up, and suddenly the night starts to blur. Joy has the fewest drinks, only two at the first bar which by their standards is very few. Then again, her medications make the night slippery, wet and wild.

The colourful lights feel like spotlights on August. The blue makes him look less red, less flushed with heat and embarrassment.

"D... darn Shelly!" he sloppily wraps an arm around Lina, resting his temple against hers. "I want to work with you!!"

Overboard - Apply FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora