Chapter 1: Horror of Betrayal

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Beaten and losing too much blood Naruto is carrying his brother in arms on his back after defeating Sasuke at the Valley of Death "I can't let you go Sasuke, we all need you." Naruto said as he continued to carry the unconscious Uchiha on his back to the gates of Konoha, within sight is the gates, and standing there was Sakura who was shocked to notice Naruto's blood all over him and his chest as she darted towards Naruto and caught him just before he was about to collapsed to the ground "Naruto..." Sakura said her voice shaking and filled with concern and worry "Naruto...What did this to you?." she asked but she knew the answer she just wanted to hear it from someone who cared for her all their ninja career.

"It was Sasuke..." Naruto said as he looked up at Sakura who was holding Naruto in her arms "I kept my promise Sakura...But I won't accept you for using my feelings to you." Naruto said as he slowly pants and slowly lost consciousness "Oh Naruto...Please forgive me for using you...I never mean it." Sakura said as she used her medical jutsu to heal as much of Naruto's chest as he could "I know I have been a pain Naruto...But I finally realize what a monster Sasuke has become...I had to watch our friends being carried back here and sent to the hospital." she said then she heard someone coming towards them as she turned to see who it is while she continues to heal Naruto, "Naruto!." Hanabi said with much concern and worry in her voice as she went over to them quickly and sat at Naruto's head then she looked at Sakura "Sakura, lay Naruto on my lap,  you need both your hands for this." Hanabi said as Sakura nodded and let Hanabi have Naruto's head on her lap then she got back to healing Naruto healing his chest.

With heavy breathing, Naruto slowly looked up at Hanabi and softly smiled at her moving his hand to Hanabi's hand and gently holding it then Naruto looked at Sakura "Sakura..." Naruto could only say before Sakura placed a finger to his lips "Please don't say anything Naruto, just relax and you'll be healed in no time...And thank you for saving me during the invasion Naruto...I thought it was Sasuke but when I had a better understanding...I felt I knew it was you who saved me." Sakura said as she noticed a small smile on Naruto's lips then she looked into his eyes "Sakura...I forgive you...And...You're welcome." he said then suddenly Hanabi leaned over above Naruto's head "Okay you both need a room, now lay still." Hanabi said earning a small giggle from Sakura and a smile from Naruto, it took almost thirty minutes but Sakura finally closed up Naruto's chest "There...That will do until we get you to the hospital." Sakura said as she and Hanabi helped Naruto up they put Naruto's arms around their shoulders but Hanabi grunted a little "Naruto since you're so good a keeping promises, do one for me." she said earning puzzling looks from both Sakura and Naruto.

"Please lose some weight," Hanabi said who showed an adorable pouting expression getting Sakura and Naruto to chuckle. "Okay okay, I'll lose some weight." he said but suddenly Sakura yelped as she was grabbed by her parents making Naruto and Hanabi look in her direction then Hanabi also yelped being pulled away by Hinata and Neji making them and Naruto confused "What's..." Naruto could only say as he was attacked by everyone else they knew getting beaten up and being called horrific names making Sakura and Hanabi shocked in horror, Hanabi tried to break free only to be yelled by Neji "Enough Hanabi, Naruto needs to be dealt with for hurting Sasuke." he said only to make Hanabi angry and finally broke free from their grasp as she turned around and kicked Neji in the shin then slapped Hinata for being hurtful towards Naruto, Hanabi rushed to Naruto's head and shielding him by using her own body to cover him taking some of the hits too then Sakura did the same thing only she just double slapped her parents then joined Hanabi to shield Naruto from their onslaught.

"No don't shield me, don't get yourselves hurt over me." Naruto said as he was shocked that the only two who cared about him were shielding him from everyone else "We don't care, you cared for us and you saved me many times." Sakura said as she looked at Naruto with her face looking hurt then Hanabi turned her head to Naruto "I wasn't going to let these monsters hurt you, you're the heart of everyone and they seem to forget that." Hanabi said making Naruto's cheeks show a shade of pink, suddenly they heard an unfamiliar voice "Water Style: Tsunami Strike." said the woman as a tsunami charged at everyone halting their strikes on the trio as they saw a very big wave coming towards them as the group is in shock and fear that they couldn't move at all, Naruto was ready to make a wind dome around himself, Sakura, and Hanabi but someone else landed between them and made an Ice Shield Dome just as the tsunami hits everyone else sending them back into Konoha the sudden quake of the tsunami had caught Tsunade, Shizune, and Jiraiya by surprise "What was that." Shizune said but then she saw Tsunade and Jiraiya rush to the gates with Shizune following behind wanting to know what was happening at the gates.

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