"I choose plain white. I am used to no eye now. Didn't want anything too fancy."

"What?!" Nathan yells. Jumping up indignantly drawing every eye in the common room. "You had this awesome opportunity, and you chose WHITE?"

"Nathan, dude, sit down." I look around nervously, not comfortable being centre of attention. "I didn't want to seem ungrateful."

"Fuck man!" Nathan continues to yell before snorting. "I would have gone for the blingy-ness, most expensive shit I could." He paces slightly, pulling at his hair. "I'll never understand you man."

I roll my eyes, reaching for him "sit down man, the guards are starting to notice." I finally manage to make him sit again.

"Fine, fine. So, when's the big day? When can you finally stop looking like the worst pirate ever."

I can't help but snort a laugh. Nathan has an energy that infects those around him, you can't help but get swept up in it.

"In a couple of weeks." I answer as the chime for dinner sounds.

"I'm happy for you, seriously. Its about time you caught a break."

"Thanks Nathan." I smile at him as we stand to make out way to dinner.

He continues to lament my choice of eye throughout dinner and into the evening. I am pretty sure the only thing that stops him is the dark when the lights get turned off. I cant help but smile at him though. The more time I spend with him the more I like him. He is one of the good things found in this place. The other, well I will be seeing her tomorrow in class. I fall asleep and for once dream of happy times.

Time seems to drag once I am awake. I watch as the people eat breakfast, slowly eating mine but not really tasting anything. Nathan has finally dropped the subject of my eye, instead he is busy telling me about the latest gossip and rumours flowing through the facility. I cant help but laugh at the ridiculousness of some of them. I only half listen as I watch the clock. As we leave the dinning hall and part ways Nathan turns to me and gives me a mischievous look.

"Be sure to give Miss Emily a big old kiss from me." he finishes with a series of kissy faces.

I laugh throwing a napkin at him. He disappears around a corner laughing loudly. I turn towards the room where the classes are held feeling my blood rushing. I haven't seen Emily since she took my sketch for the competition. I know not to expect much, especially when there will be the others there, but I cant stop the anticipation grow regardless. I quietly enter the room and take my usual seat. The rest of the class are talking and making jokes as usual. I only half listen, my mind wandering slightly. I look up at the sound of the door opening and see her walk in. I watch as she walks to her desk, arranges her items on the desk and then looks up at the class. I see her look around before her eyes land on me. I see her eyes spark and I smile at her. She cant help but answer my smile before starting class.

"Right, everyone is here," she starts. "Today I have some English worksheets to work on. You will notice that they are a little harder then the previous. This is because I am preparing you for your exam. Each week we will work on more difficult problems until you are ready for the test." She walks around handing out the worksheets. When she gets to me our hands touch and she gives me a warm smile. "As usual," she continues making her way back to the front, "once finished please hand in your sheets and take your seat. I am here if you need help."

I watch her as she takes her seat before turning my attention to the worksheet. I inwardly groan when I see it is a comprehension worksheet. We have to read through a short story and then answer questions on the content of the story. I am not a fan of English as a subject anyway, but I hate these exercises more. Needless to say I continue to do the work, giving my insights as to the plot and characters in the story. I bring my paper to the desk and receive a smile from Emily that makes my heart beat harder.

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