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hey hyejin


before you say anything

i'm sorry about the other

i shouldn't have gotten
pissed at you you were
trying to be nice to me

i just

i struggle with accepting

it's weird i know but i just
don't know how to
handle them

it's okay really


may i ask why you struggle

it's hard for me to talk about

that's okay you don't have to
go into detail



sorry i'm trying to figure
out how to best put this

oh this sounds like it's
gonna hurt my feelings

you don't have to tell me
if you don't want to

no i don't think it will

i mean it might but then
i'd be judging you way
hard dude


take your time there's no



there was an accident six
years ago


i wasn't in it but it fucked
me up pretty bad

i'm so sorry

shut up it's not your fault


no it's okay

but it's not

we just met and i'm really
trying to be your friend
and i can tell that you're
trying to be my friend but
i feel like im just being a dick
most of the time

you're not tho

i like you hyejin

if you were a dick then
i probably wouldn't like
you half as much as i do

thanks wooyoung

thank you for sharing
that little piece of
information with me

i can tell that a lot of the
time you don't feel
comfortable giving away
personal details which is
totally valid btw but i
appreciate you opening
up a little bit about yourself

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