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✧ The following prologue idea is a work of fiction and does not depict real events or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


In the enchanting world of "Reincarnating Love," Fleur Clementine embarks on a remarkable journey through the pages of a mysterious book. As she immerses herself in its story, Fleur finds herself transported to a realm where time knows no bounds.

Within this captivating tale, Fleur encounters General Sebastian, a man of honor and charisma. As the days turn into months, their lives become intertwined, and a deep connection blossoms between them. Love flourishes, but their happiness is short-lived as tragedy strikes, altering the course of their lives forever.

Separated by forces beyond their control, Fleur is thrust back into the past, while the book continues to unfold. In this continuing story, Sebastian makes a solemn promise, vowing to find Fleur no matter the cost. A curse is uttered, binding his fate to a specific day and time, adding an element of urgency to their reunion.

Years pass, and in the present day of 2024, fate intervenes, bringing Sebastian and Fleur's paths together once more. Their lives intersect on a day filled with unexpected events, forever changing their destinies. Love finds a way to prevail, but not without its fair share of challenges.

As the story unfolds, tragedy strikes once again, testing the strength of their love and resilience. Fleur, with her unique skills and expertise, finds herself in a position to make a life-altering decision. In a moment of intense connection, Sebastian's words resonate deeply, leaving Fleur with a choice that could shape their future


Join Fleur and Sebastian on an extraordinary journey filled with love, resilience, and the power of destiny. "Reincarnating Love" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where the boundaries of time and love are tested, and where the bonds forged are unbreakable.

REMEMBER, this is a work of fiction, and any similarities to real-life events or individuals are purely coincidental. Enjoy the captivating tale of "Reincarnating Love" as it unfolds before your eyes.

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