Me: that's better won but just me? Or with my brothers?

Jungwon: with your brothers, he said its important and I told you stop calling me that

Me: why? There's nothing wrong with it your my closest friend

Jungwon: just tell me your gonna be here soon hyung

Me: okay we will be there soon! Ill talk to you later yangie~

Jungwon: see you soon you weird lookin eagle-

I don't know what i should be more shocked about the fact he spoke informally or the insult and the hang up of that phone call. I quickly compose myself and stop myself from smiling like a weird person. I quickly direct myself to my brothers as it's an important matter.

Me: guys dad wants us back home cause he wants to tell us something 

Jake: awww and I was having fun with Mina

Mina: it's okay we'll meet again soon!!

Sunghoon: you can text me as I have you my number

Mina: wait y-y-you did? W-when?

Sunghoon: you'll see when you get home

Me: love you two are getting along so well even though you guys met today but we need to go

We quickly said our goodbyes and headed back home in one car. I told Sunghoon and Jake to text their drivers that we would be in one car and it'll be mine. While we were in the car I saw Sunghoon sleeping but I felt the urge to look around. As I was looking around, I just noticed Jake staring into the abyss as if he had just seen a ghost. I didn't want to add any stress on top so I shrugged that feeling away and focused on the road.

Once we reached the castle, I quickly wake up Sunghoon and Jake. Damn these people look so tired from walking, shopping and talking. Thankfully we didn't have to carry much as some maids were quick to grab our bags. As we were walking towards the door we saw our dad waiting at the entrance, immediately I knew what ever he was going to tell us is either a good or a bad thing.

Me: good afternoon dad

Jake and Sunghoon: good afternoon father!

King Hyunjun: come inside quickly and change your clothes into something comfortable, once your done meet me in the throne room. I have very important information to share to you all

And with that we all zoomed into the castle to our rooms and I quickly changed into a clean pair of black sweatpants, a white shirt and an oversized grey sweater. I quickly slide my slippers on and head down to the throne room, where I meet the boys and my dad.

Sunghoon: you called for us father?

King Hyunjun: yes I did as I have 2 important matters to talk with you guys.

The room fell silent as he was thinking on how to approach the topics he wanted to talk about. I quickly turned to see my brothers and they seem relaxed with this atmosphere.

King Hyunjun: your mother and I have made a decision and we wanted to tell you guys together but she had an appointment to attend

Jake: is it a really serious matter with what you want share with us?

King Hyunjun: as you boys know, the kingdom of Breatia is one of our many rivals but your mother and I want to mend our relationship so... we have made a decision that might shock you three

Me: what is it dad?

King Hyunjun: you three will continue your studies at the University of Fortuna as the students consists of people from breatia

'02 line: WHAT?!

Sunghoon: damn this will be fun!!

Jake: how do you know that they won't do anything to us?

Me: Let's hope nothing will and it'll be alright! Look at the bright side pup

Sunghee POV

Once I reached my castle I sneaked into my room and jumped onto my bed, as I recall everything that has happened today. I remembered how Sunghoon looked at me and how he treated me. I was in my world that I didn't realise someone was in my room.

???: well by the look of you moving like that and squealing, it looks like you finally met one if not all three?

Me: GOD DAMN! OH MY GOSH!!! What did I say about entering my room without permission and scaring me??!!

???: well I am your best friend so be lucky I'm not your mother

Me: that's right, thanks Mia

Mia: I guess you're going to see him again next week

Me: next week? What do you mean?

Mia: haven't you heard? The king of Connecte is allowing us students to be together in the University of Fortuna

Me: then I'll see him next week

Mia: you do know it's bad for you!!

Me: It's just university relax


Me: oh snap that's  true


???: I'm related to you??!! How is that possible!!!


Sunghoon: and you are?


Well here is another chapter for you guys!! I hope you are liking this story so far, I'll see you guys next time!!


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