The day that changed my life

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It all started when I was 26 jobless and still living with my parents, I had a deal with my parents that all the time I didn't have a job I would do the house work  instead of paying rent so I was sat around doing nothing all day.  TBH I actually enjoyed doing most of the house work apart from myself little sister's room, Lottie was a 14 year old girl who loved creating a mess and not cleaning it up but she had a charm with mum and dad which meant she could get away with anything she wanted. 

One day I was doing the house work and got to her room but this time it was worse than usual, there were clothes all over the floor, damp towels  and her bed wasn't made, so I began with the easy task of making her bed for her, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM" I turned around and saw Lottie standing in the door way. "Just doing the house work like normal"' I tried to explain however before I had finished she shouted again " YOU KNOW NOT TO COME INTO MY ROOM, YOU WILL PAY" as she finished I felt a blow to my head and I blacked out. 

Next thing I woke up and all I could see was pink and loads of teddy bears  then I sister appears over me " your awake then" it clicked that I was in my sisters room, I went to sit up but something felt different about me I looked down my body to find I was naked but there was something else my body felt more sensitive, tingly and in a way I felt lighter that's when I realised all the hair on my body had disappeared. "what have you done to me?" I cried " I told you you're going to pay and we aren't finished yet!" she replied "now its time to get you dressed" she  pointed at a pile of clothes on the bed. "don't worry I will help you" she said trying to stop her self from laughing. 

She handed me some pink Lacey  knickers with a flowery pattern on them, I slid them up my legs  in to place making me slightly aroused however I was only small in that department so they made me look smooth down there, "Ha its almost like you was mean to be a girl your smooth!" Lottie joked as she laughed.  Next she handed me some black tights " Im not wearing these Im gunna tell mum" I cried  " like she would believe you" She replied straight away. At this point I accepted my fate,  she took tights of me and started to roll them up, she grabbed on of my legs and put my foot in the and slowly pulled them up to my knee, then she did the same with the other leg. " you will need to learn how to do this" she said as she pulled them up to my waist. "what do you mean?" I weeped "you'll find out soon enough" she laughed. next she handed me her school skirt it was short black and tight, I pulled it up over the tights and it gave me a sensation I can't explain it was I like loved the feeling but I couldn't admit it because I'm a boy and she would rinse me for enjoying it. she the clasped a bra around my chest and picked up 2 silicone looking breasts and placed them in the Bra, I started to wonder to myself how long she had been planning this for.  she then slid my arms into a blouse and buttoned it up whilst I was staring into a mirror watching myself turn into a girl, I was un recognisable. finally  was the shoes, they were black shoes with a little bow on them, I slid them on to my feet over the top off the tights and the transformation was complete or at least I thought was until she glued a wig to my head to match her hair it was long wavy blonde , now standing side by side we looked like twins. 

"There's a good bo.... oh sorry girl" she laughed "now go down stairs and do my homework" I slowly walked down the stairs, the feeling of the skirt and tights rubbing was amazing but I felt ashamed, embarrassed and helpless as I sat at the table and started to do her homework.  I was just finishing her home work as the front door opens and I hear someone shout  " im home" my heart starts races, i  begin to panic, what if I get seen like this, I can't get caught there's no way I can explain this. As my mum walks into the kitchen where I sit frozen...

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