[020]~ 𝒯𝑜 𝒶 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇

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Walburga made her way into the lounge, seeing the dim light still turned on. She was satisfied with what she saw before her.
There, all coddled together on the large L-shaped sofa, was Odessa and Regulus, fast asleep.

Her wish was coming to fruition without any intervention. She would probably have to try and reach the Ambrosius residence to get the girl in contact with them.
Walburga turned off the lights and happily made her way to bed.


She laid on the roof in his arms as they looked up at the stars. "So that's Canis Major?"

"Canis Minor." He corrected. "It's known as the lesser dog and has the bright star of Procyon. It follows Orion across the sky."

She let out a gentle laugh, "how do you know so much about the stars?"

"My family's obsessed with the night sky. That's why I'm in fifth year astronomy." He laughed.

"Still, there's gotta be millions of stars out there, and it seems like you know the story behind each and every one."

He smiled bright, not that she could see it. "Only the ones with stories worth learning."

"And how many have that?"

"Oh not too many." He waved off, "only a couple thousand." She laughed and shifted her attention to search for other constellations. "I hope your time here has been good."

"More than that." She assured him. "Honestly, these past few months have had a whirlwind of welcome changes." She turned up her head to look at his face, "And you seem to be the mastermind creating all of it."

He shrugged, "can't take the credit for it all. I wasn't the one who got you out of Azkaban."

"Yes, I should thank Professor Dumbledore for that." She agreed.

"Speaking of, how are you feeling about the holidays ending?"

She paused. "A bit mixed." She shuffled a bit. "I cannot wait to return to Hogwarts, but I am not so enthusiastic about returning to my Hufflepuff dorm." She admitted. She assumed she would be told to return to her common room now that she has had time to rest. Unfortunately, that meant she had a far less welcoming sleeping quarter to come back to.

"Well, you could always stay in Slytherin, you know." He reminded her. "You don't have to be under our surveillance to hang out with us."

"I suppose." She accepted. She was lost in thought. She could never believe how openly they welcomed her in.

Regulus recognized that she was thinking too much again.
"See that one there? That's Sirius." He pointed out. If only she knew.
If only she knew how many hours he had spent talking to that star. If only she had known the last time he spoke to it was about her. If only she knew what he was thinking about getting himself into.
Or if she knew what he had already fallen into.

"Reggie?" She asked. He looked down to see her face. The moonlight glimmered on her like she were a statue. "Thank you."

"For pointing out Sirius? I'm surprised Sirius hasn't told you about it already." He laughed.

She shook her head, laughing a bit. "No, he won't even sit out to see the full moon with me." She met his eyes, "Thank you for being my friend."

Regulus fell back on the floor, hand to his chest, "All this work and I'm only a friend. Not best friend, not potential love interest, not even good friend." He spoke as if giving an inner monologue, "forever destined to be stuck as 'friend'. Not even buddy or pal."

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz