Grand Idea

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All these people always watching me is beginning to be repulsive. These shoots are annoying. The constant bickering is annoying. At this point, I can only enjoy Shoko's presence.

"Annnnddddd smile!"

Satoru put on a convincing forced smile as the camrea blinded him. Like it's done for the past couple of years. As soon as the shoot was over, the smile finally was able to drop.

Ugh, my mouth's sore from doing that all day.

"Hey Satoru, you wanna go out for a quick bite?" Shoko had asked him this after every session. Since she knew the treats from his favorite bakery would brighten his mood. At least for a little while anyway.

"You already know the answer to that." He grinned. Even though his mouth was sore from all the smiling, he couldn't help but smile at this suggestion. She always found a way to make him smile.

And that way usually involved food.

"I'll even pay this time," he placed an arm around her neck as they both walked out of the studio.

"Really? That's new." She pulled a cigarette box out of her hoodie pocket. Then retrieved one from the box. "What's got you in such a good mood?" She placed it in her mouth.

"Well, I've thought of a grand idea. To finally get away from this annoying city life. Sure it'll be hard at first, but we'll get used to it," he pulled out a lighter from his pocket and handed it to her. Then he pulled away from her and moved further away.

There she goes again, smoking those cancer sticks.

"Oh yeah? Who said I'd go along with it?" She lit the cigarette. "I'm sure you wouldn't wanna be around a smoker forever."

"That's the thing! You'll have all the space you want to smoke! And I won't have to suffer with that awful stench."

She rolled her eyes and then took a long drag out of the cigarette. As she spoke these next few words, she blew the smoke out towards Gojo. "Alright, go on. Where're we going?"

He began coughing dramatically while moving even farther away. Then he covered his nose and mouth as he looked over at her.

"Why would do that!?"

"Just talk already, I don't plan on doing it again," she tried her best to suppress her laughter, but failed.

He glared but than faced forward again.

"Well.. I was thinking about moving to a farm. The one I was looking at is pretty far from here." He took his phone out of his other pocket and then began scrolling on it, after turing it on.

"Here, look." He showed her a picture of the farm.

Her eyes shifted over first, before turning her whole head over. "Huh. I guess it's not bad." She took another drag, this one smaller than the last. "I doubt you'd last long though," she chuckled a bit.

He slowly frowned and turned his phone off before stuffing it back in his pocket. "Whatever, it'll have to do. And besides, I said I'd get used to it."

"You said, we'll get used to it." She grinned.

This made him roll his eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah. You know what I meant. Now let's hurry before the bakery closes!" He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her along.

"Careful! I don't wanna fall you idiot!

Annnnddddd that's a wrap! I know this was short, but I'm currently already working on the next chapter (ignore this if it's already published lol)

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