Chapter 6: Into Town

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I actually changed for our trip into town. It felt wonderful outside at breakfast so I chose something lighter. It was common sense to me that what I wore affected Odile, and I liked that. I loved the feeling of having an upper hand over her. The way she looked up at me, and obeyed. She obeyed me. The thought alone pumped me up. The feeling of her tongue around my fingers, the pulling sensation.

I was horny. Very very horny and it was mostly my fault but I couldn't help it. I wanted her attention, I wanted it badly.

And I knew I was not making it easier for her. That was the most progressive conversation we had had and I couldn't keep my hands to myself. It made me wonder what my actual problem had been. Having her hands on me moved all of those to the side. If I was marrying someone like that I had no problems. Not anymore.

I had almost let acrimony ruin what could have been.

Odile waited for me at the front door, she hadn't changed but her hair that usually fell to her shoulders was partially pulled up, just the sides covering her face and those glasses that I hadn't seen her wear prior to today but liked. They added character to her. Not that she needed more of it.

There was still a tense feeling with her. She was still this unknown person to me, that besides from the lust I felt for her, I barely knew. I needed to remind myself of that.

Odile held the door to the slick black car that waited for us open. Though I could tell Ramos was not in agreement as he clenched his jaw. I couldn't hear what he said to Odile once she shut the door but whatever it was brought a smile to her face.

A moment later Odile sat next to me, and the driver's door sounded shut. Ramos started the engine and turned the rearview mirror in Odiles direction.

"Where to?"

Odile didn't look in his direction, her eyes stayed glued to the window. "I want to show her the shops first, then afterwards the lake."

Shops, I loved shopping. I enjoyed antique shopping, something about the feel of an antique shop brought happiness to me.

Ramos gave a nod and we slowly pulled out of the driveway.

It was nice getting out of the house, as big as the estate was, I needed to stretch my legs a little.

Odile was silent and it scared me. Had something happened in the last hour? Her leg shook up and down fast.

Nerves maybe. I didn't know what she would have to be nervous about but when I really thought about it I was nervous too. This was the first time the two of us would be out together in public.

"Are you alright?" I looked up, realizing I had zoned out on the green blurs that were pacing.

Odile looked at me concerned.

"Me?" How was she asking me if I'm alright when she's the one clearly nervous.

"Yes." I can hear the slight annoyance and I feel bad for asking less than needed questions.

I straighten up, "Yes I am fine."

She must not believe me because she continued staring at me. "You're gripping your skirt rather hard." Her finger pointed in the direction of my knees where I was in fact gripping the hem of the skirt hard in my fist, my knuckles white as marble. I relaxed my grip and looked back up to find Ramos looking at me through the rearview mirror before he turned his attention back to the road.

"If you want to go back we can." I heard Ramos grunt a little, I didn't think going back this far into the drive was something he was willing to do.

"No, I don't want to go back."

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