Chapter: 5 Breakfast

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Two weeks, Odile hadn't spoken to me for two weeks. At first I'd believed it to be that she was working, however, the staff enlightened me that that wasn't the case. She works mostly from home. So where had she gone? She did not sleep in our room. She did come from time to time to get clothing and then she was gone. It irked me.

I asked Emily about it. It did take some time before she would do more than make eye contact and leave, I had to catch her like a mouse to actually have a conversation with her.

Odile liked keeping to herself. Though most of her time was spent in her garden or library. I hadn't stepped foot in that library since our very heated moment. That's where I found her, coupled up in a small nook like space at the far end of her massive library. She wore a beige wool sweater and looked tired. The sound of my footsteps alerted her of my presence and she looked up, not placing her book down but holding my gaze the entire time I walked towards her. I felt awkward and my skin felt itchy. I resisted the urge to scratch at the fantom feeling.

She waited for me to stop at her desk before speaking.

"What can I do for you Isabel?"

The weight of her question made me realize I hadn't prepared for what I'd actually say.

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Should I be?" She questioned back. She closed her book and placed it down letting a small thump fill the space between us.

"Just answer the question Odile." Standing here in front of her made me feel self conscious.

Odile leaned further back in her chair and held my eyes with hers.

"What would give you the idea that I am?"

What is it with her and averting from questions?

I stepped closer to the desk, noticing the quick shift her eyes made from my eyes to lower down and back up.

"You have not slept in our room since I arrived, you retrieve your clothes and leave, when we eat you do not speak and in the time between then you are nowhere to be found. Not to mention how you don't even look at me during our meals together."

"Do you crave my attention that much Isabel?"

I scoffed, "I do not crave anything from you, I expect for you to at least speak to me dammit."

A sly smile crept onto her face, pushing me further.

"Are you disgusted with me or something? After your little experiment here did you decide that I was not what you were looking for?" I had pondered that reason, it had etched its way into my head ever since.

Odile's smile faltered.

"Excuse me?" Her dark brows pulled together.

"Are you disgusted enough with me that you can't even bear to speak to me or see me other than to eat our meals?" I could hear the built up anger in my own voice. Why did it even matter to me? Why was this so important for me to have the answer to?

Odile stood abruptly, the chair screeched against the hardwood floor. I followed her movements. In a matter of seconds an enraged Odile stood in front of me dangerously close.

Her breath hit my face, "The last thing I am is disgusted with you Isabella. Don't you ever assume that there is anything to be disgusted with about yourself, do you understand me."

I was tempted not to reply, but her anger ripped the response from my lips before I could fight it.

"Yes." I squeaked. Odile scanned my face and then made their way down. I regretted my choice of clothing. It was a slip that I hadn't changed out of when I woke up.

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