We looked around at the destruction with sadness as Toto whimpers. I placed my hand over my heart, not liking the damage. We walked down the stairs with Toto following us. "Dorothy? Izzy?" I heard Aunt Em say as we looked around. "Oh." Dorothy and I said as we looked around more. "Dorothy? Izzy?" Aunt Em said, before she put her hands on our shoulders as we looked around. 

"It's not fair." We both said as we held onto our Aunt crying. "Oh, I know, sweeties. It's not fair. But it's just a house. If we have to find another one, we'll find another one." Aunt Em said causing us to frown. "No. We can't just leave." I said, trying to defend ourselves. "Izzy, we gotta face facts. Look at the barn. Look at the house. We'll have to have it all appraised, but we shouldn't get our hopes up." Uncle Henry said, when we heard vehicles honking.

We turned to see a car speeding towards the farm. We looked confused. The breaks screech, and Dorothy and I coughed as dust came towards us. Toto sneezed. A small man got out of the car, and looked towards Toto. He whimpered as he watched the man. Toto began to growl as the man grunt as the door hit him in the face from the other man in the car. 

He stepped out of the car with a microphone. He cleared his throat. "Move back. Move back." The man said, causing the four of us to cover our ears. "We need to create a halo of safety around this disaster area. Thank you." The man said as Toto growled at the little man, who growled back at him.

"Excuse me. This is our home." Aunt Em said as she put her hand on my back as I held Dorothy close, me being the older sister. "Your home?" The man asked, before laughing. "A home is where you live. This is a disaster area." The man said, before the microphone gave a feedback squeal.

"Can this not be adjusted?" The man asked, before throwing the thing at the little man as he grunts. "Then do it. Thanks so much." The man said. "And who are you?" Uncle Henry asked him. "I'm the Appraiser." The Appraiser said as he took out his wallet. "Are you with the government? I didn't see a badge." I said as I glared at the man. 

Aunt Em put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't be rude, Izzy." Aunt Em said. "Oh, outspoken." The man said, before taking a clipboard and a pen out, before he began writing. "We're government adjacent." He said as he clicked the man and whistled as he walked towards the house. He knocked on a piece of wood, and dust came from above, and he groans as he dusted it off. 

"Hmm. Broken support beams, cracked concr...Are you writing this down? Thank you." The man said as he taps the little man's head. Tiny man began to write it down. "Cracked concrete footing." The man said, before he messed with the support beam, causing it to damage the house more. "Hey!" Uncle Henry said. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Dorothy and I yelled out. He turned towards us. "That thing was about to fall. I probably just saved your life. But I don't need any recognition. Just doing my job." The man said as Toto growled. He put police tape on the house. "Now, I've made a thorough assessment, and I'm afraid you'll have to vacate immediately." The man said, before slamming something onto a support beam.

"What?" Aunt Em asked confused. He shoved a clipboard into Uncle Henry's arms. "Read this." The man demanded. "There's no reason to kick us out. We can fix it." Dorothy tried to say. "Girls, hold on." Uncle Henry said. I stepped in. "I'll fix it myself if I have to." I said as I tried to reason with the man.

"So sorry, but according to the state of Kansas, the fate of this property is decided by me...not some little girls." The man said, before Toto bit his leg. "Toto!" I said softly. "Flea-bitten, dirty, possibly rabid...You, do something useful." The man said, as the tiny man got Toto off him, and began wrapping him in police tape.

The man snatched the clipboard from Uncle Henry as Uncle Henry took the paper. Dorothy and I looked at Toto who whimpered as he was stuck. "You've got until sunset to vacate the premises. Meet me at the shelter in town to sign the paperwork, or we'll be back to throw you out!" The man said as the tiny man caught the microphone and went to speak into it. "Good seeing ya." The man said as he backed out, hitting the tiny man and he drove off. 

"Well, that's that. Better start packing." Uncle Henry said as Dorothy held Toto. I faced him. "What?! No!" I said as I held my sister close. "You heard what the man said. If he says the house is unsafe..." Aunt Em said as me and Dorothy began to stutter, trying to say something. "I won't have you two in it." Aunt Em finished. 

"Who is he to decide that?" Dorothy asked angrily as Toto whimpered. "It's totally...It's...It's fixable!" I said trying to defend ourselves. "These are grown-up decisions, Dorothy, Izzy. Sorry, but you're gonna have to leave this to us." Uncle Henry said as he put his hands on our shoulders. We backed away from him. "Well, we're not leaving. This is our home." I said, I guided Dorothy away as we ran off sobbing. 

*3rd POV*

"Dorothy! Izzy!" Aunt Em called out to the two girls. "Let's give them a little time, Em. They've been through a lot." Uncle Henry said as they looked at the paper. 

*My POV*

Dorothy and I walked to the chicken pen with Toto behind us. They were chirping as we looked inside. "Anybody home?" Dorothy asked as we see the chicks outside of the hen away from their mother. The mother clucked. We opened the pin and walked inside with Toto. "Look, Toto, we can fix this." I said softly as we bent down.

Toto barked. "Shh, you'll scared them." Dorothy shushed him. We pet one of the chicks and mimics clucking. Dorothy and I held chicks. "When the world turns upside down. Nothing is for sure." I sang softly as I pet the chick in my hand. We put them back on the ground. "All the dreams you thought were real. You can't find anymore." Dorothy sang softly as we gather up the chicks to put back in their pen with their mother.

The last chick was on Toto's nose, who he let jump down. "And then there's how the pieces fly. Most of all, the ones inside." I sang softly as the mother smiled up at us. We waved to her, then we walked out of the pen. We went to the barn. "If only, I knew. How to all it all, I would." Dorothy sang as we pet the horse. Toto watches as his tail wags happily.

"If only, one heart. All along did any good." I sang softly as the horse shakes his head, as a droplet falls on his head. "But I feel so small. What can I do at all." Dorothy sang as she put a sign above the horse, hoping to keep the water from hitting him. But the sign fell down, and the horse looked up at Dorothy.

"When the world had turned upside down?" I sang softly and soon enough, Dorothy and I were in town with Toto following us. People were racing on the streets, with their stuff. "Oh, nobody knows where's the world's gonna fly." Dorothy sang softly as we watched everyone in town hurrying to leave. 

"But I still gotta give it a try. If the world turns upside down, on just a gust of wind." I sang softly, before we heard Toto bark and we smiled as we walked towards him. We pet him and I got something out of his mouth. "Guess I should get ready now. For when it comes again..." Dorothy sang softly, before we noticed a little girl and walked towards her and waved, and she waved back. 

"Come on, sweetie." Her dad said, and she grabbed her stuff and climbed into the truck, and they drove off as we watched them. "What do I hold? Where will I go? And will I feel this all alone?" I sang softly, before Dorothy and I turned around and began walking with Toto again. "If only I knew. How to fix it all I would." Dorothy sang softly.

Soon enough, we both were on a hill, looking down at all the destroyed houses from the tornado. "If only, one heart. All alone did any good." I sang softly, before we frowned. "But we're just so small. What can we do, at all? Now that the world has turned upside down?" We sang softly, before we bent down and pet Toto, before standing up again. 

"Turned upside...down?" We sang softly one last time, before we sighed and sat down on the grass with Toto. We heard thunder rumbling and Toto faced the direction and barked. We stood up and looked at the rainbow. "Oh. Oh, how pretty." I said smiling, before Dorothy and I frowned. We were seeing the rainbow...moving?

"Huh. Must be some kind of...optical illusion." Dorothy spoke up, but Toto barked. The rainbow was moving towards us! "That's no illusion, Dorothy, Toto!" I yelled, and right before it touched us we ran. "Run!" Dorothy said and we began running. Toto almost got caught in it. The rainbow chased us literally all the way to the house.

We jumped over the fence, and tried to get to the storm shelter for protection. Dorothy and I faced the rainbow, and it formed into a hand, before it grabbed Dorothy and I. "Help, Toto! Help!" Dorothy shouted, before the rainbow picked up Toto as well. Dorothy and I screamed as we floated around in the rainbow, which was carrying us to who knows where! The three of us covered our eyes, scared to open them. 

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