Feels Like a Fairytale

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*Layla's POV*
4:00 AM
"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! Wake up! It's time for us to goooo!" I squeal. I'm jumping on top of Mommy in the bed. It's finally July, and today  is the day we go to CapCon!
"Mmmm..." Mommy moans. She just turns over.
"Mommy! It's 4 AM! We gotta gooooo! We still gotta go get Mark and Hadleigh!"
Mommy rolls over to face me.
"Out of all the times I try to wake you up, you're actually awake on time today. And at 4:00 in the morning!" Mommy smirks. I just giggle and kiss her lips. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in tighter.
"Hehe, Mommy! We gotta gooooo!" I manage to say through kisses.
"Hmmm... you're right, little one. But mommy just loves her baby so much! I can't get enough of you, my little pumpkin!"
I giggle and manage to squirm my way out of bed. I look at my phone to see that Hadleigh is already awake.

The text makes me giggle.
"I know!! I'm trying to get Mommy up! This is gonna be the best trip EVER!"

I start the faucet on the bath. My little heart is beating 90 to nothing! My tummy hurts from all the excitement.
"You're so cute," Mommy yawns as she walks into the bathroom. I giggle as I get in the bath.
"Mommy bath?" I ask.
"Yes, sweet pea. Mommy will take a bath with you."
I clap my hands and giggle.

4:30 AM
"Are you all packed and ready to go, Princess?" Mommy asks.
"Yep! I'm ready! I has my clothes, my diapers , my pacis, my stuffie , my chargers, my meds, and everything else!"
"Awe, good girl. So responsible," Mommy coos. I smile as she kisses my forehead.

We get down the mountain to Mark and Hadleigh's house. We've decided to form a dynamic together. Mark has been such a good caregiver to me. I mostly refer to him as "Sir" or sometimes "Dada" rather than Daddy. I feel like that's a title that should be sacred to Hadleigh. Hadleigh usually refers to Mommy as Mama or Jesse.

Had has become my best friend. We have sleepovers and play dates all the time. We've all been trying to learn each other so well. Trying to be aware of triggers and sensory issues. It's such a powerful dynamic that feels like a fairytale.

We drive up and Hadleigh is already out the door with her suitcase.
"Daddy! They're here! They're here!" I hear her yell. She bounces up and down on the front porch. Mommy and I giggle.

I jump out of the car to greet her.
"Omg, are you so excited? We finally get to go to Capcon!!" I chirp.
"YES! Layla, I haven't been this excited since I married my Daddy!" she takes my hand and squeezes it. Suddenly, I see a tall dark handsome figure in the doorway.
"Did someone call for me?" Mark asks. We just giggle.
"Awe, there's my pretty girls. You both look so adorable," he whispers. We both shyly grin back up at him.
"C'mon, you two," he says. Let's get you girls in your car seats."
Mark hand built us adult car seats. It was so magical, and it makes me feel oh so small. I reach my arms up to him to pick me up. And he does just that.
"Awe, little princess. You need me to carry you?"
I just shyly nod my head. It feels so good to be carried around. I feel so safe.
I hear Mommy beep the horn, summoning us to hurry up.
"Here we come Jesse!" Hadleigh calls out.
We all walk to the car. Mark sets me down in my car seat and fastens me in really tight. I giggle. He kisses my forehead while checking my diaper.
"Hmmm... someone is dry this morning!" he bellows. I just laugh.
"Well, Sir, it's a new diapie! I haven't had a chance to go yet!"
"Maybe you should take your bottle, pumpkin. Did Mommy feed you this morning?"
"I didn't have time to!" Mommy chimes in. "Someone was insistent that we come and get you guys at 4:30 on the dot!" I blush.

Mark loads up the luggage and fastens Hadleigh into her car seat.
"Alright everyone. Ready to go?" Mommy asks.
"Ready, Mommy!" I yell.
"Good girl," she says as she looks at me in the rear view mirror.

We take off for the airport. Chicago awaits!

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