Chapter Nineteen

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× Five Years Later ×

       Althea woke up confused. She looked around and see quite a few people she didn't know around her. Before she could get up and start looking around and wandering, a man with a cape appeared before her. She had never seen this man before, but for some reason, she felt like he was important.

"Althea --" He began, but she cut him off.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, frowning slightly.

"I know your brothers," He answered vaguely,"Now, I brought you over to all the other heroes. You have magic, something we need to help us defeat Thanos. The world needs you, as they need all the other heroes, or I would've sent you home with your family."

        Althea was introduced to a man named Sam Wilson, who explained to her who Thanos was, and what she didn't know. Now that she knew though, she felt like this was what Loki had warned her about. This was the thing that was after their family, and this was the thing that had control over Loki.

"Time to save the world." Strange, the man that had talked to her when she first woke up, commented.

         Althea used her magic to change into her armor, and she summoned the daggers that she had gotten from Loki years ago. She was ready to take out whatever and whoever she needed to protect her family and the rest of the world. She was willing to die to protect everyone she loved.

         The moment Althea landed her feet in the fight, she was ready. She used her daggers and her magic to take out many of the aliens that Thanos had brought. They may have been strong, but she was stronger. She knew she had to fight with all her power and strength, otherwise something bad could happen to her.

"Althea?!" She heard, and she was quick to turn and spot her oldest brother.

"Thor?" She stepped towards him,"What happened to you?" She questioned, causing him to chuckle.

"You don't like my new look?" He asked, making her purse her lips.

       While talking to each other, the two still fought the aliens around them. It was almost as if they had done this for years, and was use to it. They didn't even flinch when an alien came close, they simply killed it.

"I'm glad you are back, little sister." Thor commented, causing Althea to smirk.

"Is Loki here?" Althea asked, making Thor stop suddenly.

"Althea, Loki is..." He had a hard time saying it to her,"Loki is gone. Thanos killed him."

"A-are you serious?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry, 'Thea." He replied, but that didn't help the heartbreak.

"I'm going to kill him." She spat angrily, as she turned away from Thor and began taking out every alien in the area around her.

       She held back angry, sad tears, as she went through the yard to take out everyone in her way. She was angry at Thanos, sad at the loss of her brother, and feeling lost about the feeling that was bearing down on her heart. She was going to kill Thanos and everyone that was on his side. Before she could get very far though, she was stopped again, but this time it was by Clint. He had seen her, and he ran straight to her. The moment he was by her, he wrapped his arms around her, and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Clint?" She murmured, knowing his touch and smell.

"You're back." He whispered, and she wrapped her arms tightly around him.

       She could tell by the sound of his voice that he was happy that she was back. She could tell that he had been broken for so long. She could tell that he missed her simply by the strong hold he held around her body.

"You, Laura, and the kids have been gone for five years. I got a call from Laura, and I almost didn't believe it was real, but here you are...standing in front of me. You're here, and that means so is everyone else. God, 'Thea, I missed you." He rambled, and Althea's heart broke for him.

"We're back, and we're never leaving again. I won't let it happen." She said, causing a small smile to appear on his face.

"You're right, this won't happen again," He replied,"Let's kick some alien ass."

       At this moment, he didn't know that Loki was dead. He didn't know that Althea wanted vengeance, so kicking alien ass was on her agenda either way. She was going to kill every evil asshole that had anything to do with her brother's demise.

       Clint had decided not to tell Althea about Natasha's death yet, knowing that she needed to be level-headed. He didn't know that she had been told about one death all ready, had he know, he would've told her about Natasha.

       The two fought long and hard, but it was like they were barely making a dent. Before they knew it though, Thanos was facing off with Tony Stark. They watched as Thanos snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. Althea's heart skipped a beat when he snapped his fingers though, since she was afraid he'd take out half the world again. She and everyone else was surprised when Tony Stark had the Infinity Stones though, and he was able to snap.

        Althea felt horrible, as she watched Tony Stark fall to the ground after snapping his fingers. Thanos and all of his followers turned to dust, as Tony Stark lay dying. Althea didn't have the magic to heal him, but she wished she could. She would've saved him like he had saved the world.

        She and Clint were the first to kneel in respect and memory of Tony. He deserved the respect, and slowly others followed their stance. Even the people with the highest rankings kneeled for Tony, and that showed simply how respected Tony Stark was in that moment...

The Bartons (C. Barton & L. Barton)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz