Althea's Letter to Loki

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'Dear Loki,

      Whatever has happened to me is not your fault. I had a feeling something was going to happen, I just was not sure what it was going to be. I figure I was most likely locked in a cell or in my room until my unwanted marriage, or worse, I was shipped off to Prince Nokian against my will.

      I do not blame you, even if you blame yourself. You gave me the encouragement to tell Odin exactly how I feel about the marriage. I hate saying this, even if it is in a letter, but I do not care for Odin. He is an oaf, and I do not understand how he is still king. One day, I hope that you get to be king. If you ever get the chance, you better let me see you reign. You have to make me proud, of course.

      I am hoping that you and Thor will eventually start getting along again. You are my brothers, and I hate seeing you two fight. I know he is not the brightest, but he is our brother. Even if he is not perfect, I believe he sees the good in you, one you may not see in yourself.

      I love you, Loki. You are the best brother I could ever have asked for. You were the one that was always by my side, especially when Odin belittled me. You were the one that helped me learn to use my magic. You were the one that practically raised me, since Odin did not want to be close. I know he claims that he loved us all the same, but Thor was always his favorite, we were not. Frigga loved us though, we were her favorites, I just know it.

      I do not wish to go on and on, but I do want you to know that I have faith in you. You are Loki the God of Mischief, and you will not fall at the hands of anyone. I am proud of you, even if that does not mean much, I am. I am proud of Thor, too, and I hope you two will fight alongside each other again one day.

       I know you must now feel alone, but that is not true. You have Thor and you have Mother. You will always have me by your side, even if I am far away. You will never truly be alone, so do not ever feel that way. There will always be someone in your corner, even when you cannot see them. I will see you again one day.

           Love, Althea

P.s. You are my favorite brother. Do not tell Thor, or I will deny ever saying it.'

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