chapter 2 {cant help but wonder} (walking)

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Endress and Boom are wondering the plains biome together now, Endress cant help but feel they've been wondering for ages
"uhh, Boom, what time is it?" tiredly asks Endress with a small slouch
"we'll the sun is down, so probably about 8 mabey?" Boom replies
"oh, we should probably find shelter." adds Endress
"ya, im getting cold."
Boom and Endress wonder for what feels like another few hours, but was only really a few more minutes.
"oh! i see a village" shouts Boom excitedly
Endress hesitates.
"is it abandoned?" Asks Endresss suspiciously
"seems like it, there's cob webs all over" replies Boom
"ok, we should go in now, it's freezing" Endress almost pleads now to desperate for warmth
they both head in one of the houses; this village was definitely empty.
"what's in here?" asks Endress
"A bed a double chest a crafting table and a furnace" says Boom looking around
"ok, that's good, wheres the chest i'll open it and you look inside"
"right corner"
they both look in the chest and Boom names the items.
a stone sword.
a few loafs of bread.
and a small bag.
Endress grabs a loaf of bread for both of them and they have a nice sit down before going to bed.
"Hey Endress"
"thanks for helping me, its been...very hard without help"
"it's fine,... i don't think i could have made it much longer with out you"
they both fall asleep for the night.
Endress and Boom are abruptly awoken to a harsh banging at the door.
"what is that??" shouts Endress
"uhhh, i don't know i'll look threw the window" responds Boom with shock in his voice.
the banging continues as Boom walks over and Endress is concerned about whether it may be a human, maybe the owner of the house even?!
Boom isn't really able to see out of the windows as the glass is old and brown, but he's able to just see...a...a...
"a zombie"
"zombie...?" questions Endress
"ya there a hostile mob so he won't hurt us, can you open the door for him?" asks Boom
"uh! sure..."
Endress gets up and slowly open the door for the zombie.
The zombies face goes from an angered and hungry expression to more of an "oh!" kinda of look.
"ahhh, hi!! sorry to wake you, i thought you were villagers" say the zombie shocked
"it's ok! this was probably a good time to wake up anyway, it ahh... was just a bit abrupt hehe" Says Boom trying to lighten things up
the zombie then notices Endress, the zombie had never seen an enderman before, so seeing this tall black figure standing before him was shocking.
"uhh! hi...who's you friend??!" he says with shock
"oh ya! i'm boom this is endress and you are?" asks Boom
"cool names, i'm jaws" Jaws answers still in shocked
Jaws goes to shake Booms hand before getting embarrassed and just waves.
"hey have you two seen many other mobs? i've been looking around for absolutely ages" asks Jaws
Boom and Endress both are a little taken aback.
"ya! i was walking around for ages before i found Endress and he was walking for days and said he only heard like 16" answers Boom. a silence fills the room...
"i feel like the reasoning is... not good, would you like to come with us Jaws?" asks Endress
"uhhhh, sure! do you have anyone else with you?" asks Jaws walking more in the house
"no just us" Endress states
"s-sorry but uhh... are you blind?" asks Jaws
Endress sadly nods his head making jaws feel bad as he now thinks it was a dumb question.
Jaws is a good addition to the team tho, being the only one with eyes *and* arms, he puts the rest of the bread with the sword in the small bag and chucks it on his back.
Chapter 2-A end (next chapter is 2-B!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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