Chapter 3

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Minho was watching Jisung in horror. Did Chan and Felix just left him alone with this greedy vampire? Jisung grinned at him and stood up, sitting down next to Minho and laid an arm on the young knights shoulders. The others were just watched them, either seeming amused or at least don't wanted to involve in that. Everyone except of one.

"I wanted to go to the see, do you guys want to join me?" Minho was so focused on Jisung and with how he could defend himself if that vampire get's to hungry that he didn't realized that the smart looking dog boy stood up and offered them some peaceful hours on a see. "That's something I could never say no to. Come on Minho, let's go with him."

Jisung had way to much energy for Minho's taste, he was literally dragging him out of this house. Outside he saw the boy called Seungmin with the big dog standing next to him. The dogs back reached easily his lower belly, letting Minho wonder what race this dog actually is. "Do you want to ride it?", Seungmin asks suddenly, letting Minho stand there in confusion.

"Ride? But this is a dog and not a horse. I never saw a dog that accept someone on his back.", the knight said, looking to the dog, than back to Seungmin. "Well... this dog is different from any dog you have seen before.", the smart boy says, letting his dog look up to them, showing of the empty and dark eyes of the dog.

The view Minho got with those empty eyes staring at him let him shudder. It could come straight from one of the horror storys travelers told him and Felix as they had been younger. But somehow it was fascinating, something completely else from what the fantasy world showed him. Something that didn't seem that happy or was that colorful and beautiful.

"It's not a living dog, he died many years before.", Seungmin started to tell, but suddenly he hesitated. Jisung looked somehow worried at him, an expression Minho had never seen on this pale vampire face. Seungmin suddenly shook his head. "Let's talk about some other things but first tell me, do you want to ride him now or not?"

Minho hesitated. In his eyes this is still a dog but he is also curious what it would be like. After some seconds he took for overthinking the whole situation, the brown haired guy finally nodded to agree on riding the dog. The dog with the creepy face was walking right to Minho, laying down in front of him to let Minho climb on him easliy.

The fur was increadible soft, he could feel it even though his pants and shirt. Seungmin and Jisung were watching him exploring the dogs back with his hands. Minho was in shock as suddenly the dog moved, starting to walk forward. That was when he remembered they're plan on going to the see.

On his left side was Seungmin, to his right Jisung was walking. And behind him where Hongjoong and Seonghwa, walking with them. When did they join? Minho didn't notice them until now. But he didn't care, more people to protect him from the vampire are always good.

"You haven't told us your name.", the dog boy said while walking with his hands in the pockets next to Minho. "Oh.. uhm.. Lee Minho but please only call me Minho, I don't like this formal stuff.", the knight answered after he first stumbled over his words. Being at the mercy of four people that aren't even humans isn't easy at all Minho figured out.

He could especially feel the presence of the two demons behind him. Their aura was intimidating, something you could fear but at the same time it gave safety, giving him the feeling of being protected. As he finally glanced back again to the two demons, he saw something the people in the castle would describe as odd and disgusting. The two demons were holding hands like a couple would. He never saw something like that between two boys because it was highly judged from society to have something with a boy.

Minho knew that boys could love each other and stuff like that. He knew it thanks to Felix, otherwise he would be judging them like the other humans would because he simply just learned that this is something wrong. But Minho reminded himself that they are in a different world now with different rules, maybe even a different way to love.

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